Centered Heptagonal Number

What do you understand by the term centered hepatgonal number? Let’s decode in this article.

First of all, what is a heptagonal number?

A heptagonal number is a figurate number representing the number of dots that can be arranged to form a regular heptagon (a seven−sided polygon). The formula for the nth heptagonal number is:

n(5n−3)/2, where n must be a positive integer.

The first few heptagonal numbers, for example, are:

  • 1 is the first heptagonal number (corresponding to a heptagon with one dot).

  • 7 is the second heptagonal number (corresponding to a heptagon with 7 dots).

  • 18 is the third heptagonal number (corresponding to a heptagon with 18 dots).

  • 34 is the fourth heptagonal number (corresponding to a heptagon with 34 dots).

  • And so forth.

Now, what is a centered heptagonal number?

A centered heptagonal number is a figurate number that represents the number of dots that can be arranged in the shape of a heptagon with a dot in the center and additional layers of dots surrounding it.

First, few centered heptagonal numbers are 1,8,22,43,...

The formula for the nth−centered heptagonal number is:

(7n^2 − 7n + 2)/2, where n is a positive integer.


Now, we have discussed what is centered heptagonal number. Let’s look at the stepwise approach to convert the discussed logic into working code.

  • Specify the value of n, you can also take this value as user input.

  • Use the formula (7n^2 − 7n + 2)/2, to calculate nth centered heptagonal number.

  • Print your calculation to the console.

C++ Code Implementation

Too much theory? Let’s get back to code. Here is the c++ implementation to calculate nth centered heptagonal number.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int n=7;

    int centered_heptagonal = (7 * n * n - 7 * n + 2) / 2;
    cout << "The " << n << "th centered heptagonal number is: " << centered_heptagonal << endl;

    return 0;


The 7th centered heptagonal number is: 148

Time Complexity: O(1)

Space Complexity: O(1)


In this article, we have covered what is heptagonal number, along with what is centered heptagonal number. In addition we also covered how to calculate nth centered heptagonal number and wrote c++ code for the same. Hope you found the article insightful and able to grasp the concept better.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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