Bots in RPA

The term "bots" refers to a class of intelligent automated software that makes decisions and performs tasks by using information or inputs from the numerous systems that a company utilizes. They may operate according to a set of rules, provide information, provide instructions, answer to questions, and, of course, do specific tasks once they have been programmed and taught.

In the RPA process flow, bots may either be attended or unattended.

Attended Bots

Attendant bots frequently collaborate with people to offer particular parts of processes that can't be entirely automated. Through supported automation, they boost front−office efficiency by acting as a human "virtual assistant." In a simple procedure, a team member prompts or activates a bot, and it starts to assist right away as the employee is speaking to it. These attended bots may be utilised to increase compliance, minimise the typical call processing time, and enhance the customer experience. Workstations, private servers, and the cloud can all have them installed.

There are three main types of attended bots− task bots, meta bots, and IQ bots. What form of bot is best for you and your business depends on whether you need assistance with structured or semi−structured data.

Structured data − consists of data sources with well defined fields, such as databases and spreadsheets. Task bots and meta bots are the best solutions to use if you need assistance with jobs involving structured data.

  • Task Bots − A computer with a series of preprogrammed behaviours is referred to as a task bot. They perform activities based on rules and process structured data. When used for repeated activities that would take a long time or be tiresome for humans to do, task bots are most successful. These are the basis for all RPA tools. Launching the most basic attended bots is a prerequisite for launching more complex attended bots. Task bots are often used in procure−to−pay, quote−to−cash, and HR administration, to name a few.

  • Meta Bots −Meta bots are designed to be an application's reusable blueprint and can quickly adapt to changes. For front−end automation, they are able to take visual captures. They function well in scripting environments and for intricate, scalable processes. They commonly cooperate with task robots and can act as a script or a map for data entry. The Task bots perform the front−end automated, rule−based tasks, but when linked together, the Meta Bots are able to grow and analyse the data even more efficiently. For enterprise−wide automation, meta bots are typically used since they require less maintenance.

Semi−Structured data − Any document where a field's or line item's location is subject to change is considered partly structured data, including mortgage applications, invoices and, contracts. If you need assistance with more semi−structured data, IQ bots will be more useful to you.

Intelligent or cognitive automation bots known as "IQ bots" are quite advanced. They can take languages out of the material presented, study them on their own, in real−time, and do the tasks in line with their newly acquired knowledge. A mix of computer vision, machine learning, and natural language processing is used by the IQ bot to read and manage fuzzy rules. Because of its cognitive intelligence, it can also manage semi−structured and unstructured data. Developers may add extra cognitive skills to help users extract information from material that is only loosely structured or even fully unstructured.

  • IQ bots − IQ bots require more human interaction than other types of bots because they must be created, configured, and given specific instructions for how to behave. These bots will process the information you give them and ask for your input. It will automatically adjust itself and keep attempting based on your responses until you declare it to be accurate. The IQ bots will continue trying until they reach 100% STP after storing and studying this data. Straight Through Processing, or STP, refers to a situation where an automated process is running without any visible output to the user. Therefore, handling semi−structured data is a perfect fit for the IQ bot.

Unattended Bots

Unattended bots are those that can do tasks while without being watched. End−to−end automation, where a bot can complete an entire process on its own, is a key component of many business operations. These bots are usually triggered by an established schedule or logic in the process flow, such as an email. Following that, they do a procedure that is controlled by laws. Bots that are watched over and unwatched can work together inside a bigger RPA solution. Unattended bots are used when many apps need to be updated with a batch of new client data that is received in a spreadsheet.

An unattended bot would deal with this data autonomously.

Unattended bots may function 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which makes them ideal for 24/7 industries like telecommunications, healthcare, and the hotel industry, among others. The bot doesn't need human aid or involvement to do the precise tasks for which it was created because of its automation. To put it simply, they are willing to conduct themselves entirely freely while abiding by the standards they have learned.

Updated on: 08-Dec-2022


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