Found 174 Articles for Careers

Cracking the Interview Process

Sharon Christine
Updated on 13-May-2022 10:27:44


It’s amazing really. All the effort one puts in during a four-year Engineering course, finally depends on those 20 minutes one spends in an interview room. After all, that little time one spends before a panel decides, whether you will land that plum job or whether your classmate will. Hence, it’s very important just how you present yourself, during those few minutes, since somewhere the cumulative effort put in during our school and college years, will bear fruit, once we get that well-paying, much sought after job.So now we will look at 3 key aspects that you should keep in ... Read More

Careers in BigData? – A Big Leap Forward

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:17:04


Big Data is everywhere and there is an urgent need to collect and preserve whatever data has been generated. We also find that there is a greater fear of missing something, which is important. Big Data Analytics has become crucial, it helps improve business, decision making and offers the biggest edge over the competitors.What does the term Big Data mean?The term big data can be described as something large volume of data which is both structured and unstructured, that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. Data is available everywhere but how can organizations capitalize on that is the big ... Read More

Business Intelligence as a Career Option?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:11:37


Business intelligence is an umbrella term, which includes infrastructure, applications, tools and best practices that enable analytics of data and information in order to improve and optimize decision making and managing corporate performance. There are a lot of tools and technologies which are built on this concept.BI as a DisciplineBusiness Intelligence is made up of several related activities, which includes Data mining, Online analytical processing, Reporting, and Querying.Why Companies Prefer to use BI?Helps improve predictive mechanism through decision makingReduces costHelps identify new business opportunitiesIn the modern world, business operations are getting more complex with each passing day, hence there is ... Read More

Best Words to Use in a Resume!!

Sharon Christine
Updated on 11-May-2022 11:36:48


Recruiters don’t simply want to know what you think about yourself; they want to see results. For instance when you called yourself “hard-working, ” prove it by backing up that claim with some data.If you want to capture recruiter’s attention, you’ll need a well-written and well-organized resume that clearly illustrates your qualifications. Optimize your resume with precise words that will properly showcase your strengths, experience, and skills so that recruiters will see your true value.Include the words and phrases that explain specifically what you accomplished at your previous jobs. Not only focusing on your previous duties to capture your relevant ... Read More

Trainer Instructs: Coach Constructs..!!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:31:15


Trainer and coach are the words that fall into the league of words and phrases that are hard to define. You may dabble around for hours together and may reach the grey area that separates trainer and coach. However, has anyone managed to draw lines in the sand on the sea beach and kept them safe from the waves? Therefore, the lines will be blurred. That does not mean though trainer and coach mean the same thing. Yes, it means that, a trainer is not a coach and a coach is not a trainer.Let us try to understand the differences ... Read More

Tips For Preparing MCSE Certification Exams

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 10-May-2022 10:09:42


In this highly competitive world, increasing population of educated people and explosion of media and communication, selecting a career is like walking on a sharpened sword. This is so true for the IT industry, as statistically, the competition is more in this industry. There are numerous or so shall I say “infinite” scope in this Industry and one must understand each, to select the appropriate stream, as per his/her own competencies. One such scope is the “Solutions expert” or “Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)”.MCSE Certification can be done once you have ample experience of configuring and troubleshooting computer frameworks run ... Read More

The Lucrative Career as a SAS Specialist

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:48:32


What are the top 10 demanding careers to excel in today’s job market? You may be thinking that career in Enterprise IT Architecture, Cloud Storage & Distribution, Big Data, Mobile application development, Project Management and few more are the best career opportunities. You may be correct in your thinking, but if you are missing the SAS (Statistical Analysis System), then you are doing a big mistake. SAS specialists are no way lesser than any of these highly demanding jobs.According to, SAS specialists are one of the most demanding professional which falls in the range of top 10 highly demanding ... Read More

The 5 Soft Skills that will get you Hired

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:31:33


Going for a job interview? So, you are good with technical skills, but what about the soft skills. That one hour of the interview will be totally focused on how you respond to their questions. Landing on a great job opportunity isn’t just about having the technical abilities but also the soft skills. If it did, there’d be little reason for employers to interview job candidates face-to-face.Soft skills are very important in a working environment. Research shows that so-called “soft skills” — your ability to work well with others, communicate clearly and solve problems — matter much more than many ... Read More

Part Time Job options After Retirement!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 13:09:57


People who have worked all their life in a job feels pretty empty once they retire. The retired person is always trying to keep themselves engaged for escaping this emptiness. But looking at the changing trend, with all the vast experience, people are happy to work past 65 and many seniors are staying in or returning to the workforce, either full time, part time or as consultants or independent contractors.They earn while doing what they always loved to do. If going back to work makes sense for your situation, here are some job categories that may be a thought to ... Read More

Online Jobs to keep you busy at Home!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:43:38


If you want to leave a full-time job but still want to remain in touch with your knowledge but with some flexible timings, then this era has some great options waiting for you. There are plenty of opportunities available online that will help you in getting some work which you can do in your own time and also provide you with the options to reject the work which you don’t like. You will become your own boss. Here are a few options where you can think of contributing as a freelancer.As a freelancer, you cannot expect a steady cash flow ... Read More

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