A pair of linear equations which has a unique solution \( x=2, y=-3 \) is
(A) \( x+y=-1 \)
\( 2 x-3 y=-5 \)
(B) \( 2 x+5 y=-11 \)
\( 4 x+10 y=-22 \)
(C) \( 2 x-y=1 \)
\( 3 x+2 y=0 \)
(D) \( x-4 y-14=0 \)
\( 5 x-y-13=0 \)


A unique solution \( x=2, y=-3 \).

To do:

We have to find the pair of linear equations which has the unique solution \( x=2, y=-3 \).


If $x = 2, y = - 3$ is a unique solution of any pair of equations, then these values must satisfy the pair of equations.

For option (b),       

$2x+ 5y= -11$

LHS $= 2x + 5y$

$= 2(2) + 5(-3)$

$= 4 - 15$

$= -11$

$=$ RHS

$4x + 10y = -22$

LHS $= 4x + 10y$

$= 4(2) + 10(-3)$

$= 8 - 30$

$= -22$

$=$ RHS

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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