Working with buttons in Python Kivy with .kv file

Designing interactive user interfaces for Kivy apps by working with buttons in.kv files is simple and effective. Kivy, a Python framework for building cross-platform apps, uses the.kv file type to separate the visual appearance and functionality of buttons from the underlying code. The .kv file's declarative language is used to provide button properties like text, size, and event handlers, allowing developers to create straightforward, condensed, and manageable user interfaces. Without cluttering the Python code, developers may easily change the appearance and functionality of buttons by adding them straight to the.kv file.

Covered Topics

  • Python Kivy Features

  • Introduction to Buttons

  • Designing applications using Kivy

Features of Python Kivy

  • User Interface (UI) Framework: To create interactive UI, Kivy offers a variety of widgets and layout managers to cater various needs. It is compatible with a number of input techniques namely touch gestures, mouse clicks, and keyboard events and much more.

  • Multi-touch Support: Kivy is appropriate for touch-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets since it is made to manage multi-touch interactions.

  • Graphics and Animations: As a result of Kivy's strong graphics capabilities, developers may produce aesthetically appealing apps with fluid animations and transitions.

  • Cross-Platform Development: Since Python Kivy apps are really cross-platform, developers may write code only once and use it across several platforms without making major changes.

  • Open-Source & Community-Driven: A thriving community of developers and volunteers constantly improves and grows the open-source project Kivy.

  • Simple to Learn: Kivy's syntax is straightforward and especially easy to comprehend for Python developers. Both novice and seasoned developers may use it since it uses a declarative approach when building user interfaces.

Introduction to Buttons

Button widgets in Kivy are interactive widgets that record user input and launch particular operations or events in a Python program. They let users interact with applications and are a crucial component of user interfaces. In the majority of apps, buttons respond to touch, mouse clicks, keyboard motions, etc. and have a visual representation, such as text or an image.

The Button class, which is a component of the Kivy library, is used in Python to represent buttons. They can be declared in a.kv file using declarative syntax or programmatically using Python code. By making use of the Button class's numerous attributes and event handlers, developers may alter the look and behaviour of buttons to better meet the requirements of their program and then take informed decisions and plan different things.


Install Kivy: Make sure Kivy is set up on your computer before starting to design applications. Using pip, you can install it:

pip install kivy

Import required modules: Import the relevant modules from Kivy into your Python script.

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

Make the button event handler function and the Kivy app class: Create a method that will be invoked when the button is pushed and define a class that derives from App.

class MyApp(App):
   def build(self):
      layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
      button = Button(text='Click Me!', on_press=self.on_button_press)
      return layout

   def on_button_press(self, instance):
      print("Button was pressed!")

Run the Kivy app

if __name__ == "__main__":

Execute the script


Designing Applications using Kivy

Thanks to its intuitive syntax, Python Kivy makes it simple for developers with a variety of skills to create dynamic, cross-platform applications. It provides engaging user experiences across different platforms with multi-touch support, a rich widget library, and alluring animation features. Because of this, Kivy has been extensively used to create a variety of innovative applications serving various industries and sectors.

Pong Game Development

The classic arcade game Pong makes a great starting point for learning Python Kivy's game programming capabilities. With the help of the open-source framework Kivy, developers can create cross-platform programs and games with ease, and Pong offers a fascinating chance to investigate its potential for producing interactive gaming experiences. Two players compete for points by bouncing a ball back and forth while manipulating paddles while the ball speeds up.


  • Set up the environment: Install any necessary libraries, including Kivy.

  • Design the game interface: To specify the game's layout, including the paddles, ball, and score display, create a Kivy.kv file.

  • Create the Python code: Implement the game logic in Python, handling paddle movement, ball collisions, and score tracking.

  • Set up game events: Use Kivy Clock to update the game state and handle events like ball movement and collision detection.

  • Add game controls: Implement touch or keyboard events to control the paddles.

  • Test and debug: Run the game, test its functionality, and make necessary adjustments.

Create two files: One Python file named and one Kivy file named pong.kv

Example file

from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import (
   NumericProperty, ReferenceListProperty, ObjectProperty
from kivy.vector import Vector
from kivy.clock import Clock

class PongPaddle(Widget):
   score = NumericProperty(0)

   def bounce_ball(self, ball):
      if self.collide_widget(ball):
         vx, vy = ball.velocity
         offset = (ball.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)
         bounced = Vector(-1 * vx, vy)
         vel = bounced * 1.1
         ball.velocity = vel.x, vel.y + offset

class PongBall(Widget):
   velocity_x = NumericProperty(0)
   velocity_y = NumericProperty(0)
   velocity = ReferenceListProperty(velocity_x, velocity_y)

   def move(self):
      self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos

class PongGame(Widget):
   ball = ObjectProperty(None)
   player1 = ObjectProperty(None)
   player2 = ObjectProperty(None)

   def serve_ball(self, vel=(4, 0)): =
      self.ball.velocity = vel

   def update(self, dt):


      if (self.ball.y < self.y) or ( >
         self.ball.velocity_y *= -1

      if self.ball.x < self.x:
         self.player2.score += 1
         self.serve_ball(vel=(4, 0))
      if self.ball.right > self.width:
         self.player1.score += 1
         self.serve_ball(vel=(-4, 0))

   def on_touch_move(self, touch):
      if touch.x < self.width / 3:
         self.player1.center_y = touch.y
      if touch.x > self.width - self.width / 3:
         self.player2.center_y = touch.y

class PongApp(App):
   def build(self):
      game = PongGame()
      Clock.schedule_interval(game.update, 1.0 / 60.0)
      return game

if __name__ == '__main__':

pong.kv file

#:kivy 1.0.9

   size: 50, 50 
         pos: self.pos
         size: self.size        

   size: 25, 200
         pos: self.pos
         size: self.size

   ball: pong_ball
   player1: player_left
   player2: player_right
         pos: self.center_x - 5, 0
         size: 10, self.height
      font_size: 70  
      center_x: root.width / 4
      top: - 50
      text: str(root.player1.score)
      font_size: 70  
      center_x: root.width * 3 / 4
      top: - 50
      text: str(root.player2.score)
      id: pong_ball
      id: player_left
      x: root.x
      center_y: root.center_y
      id: player_right
      x: root.width - self.width
      center_y: root.center_y



The seamless implementation of Python Kivy as an open-source framework in creating a Pong game is an example of its effectiveness. The process of creating the game from scratch proved to be a priceless learning opportunity, giving us a deep understanding of user interface design, Python event handling, and fundamental game development principles.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023


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