What are the network security types?

Network security is protection of the access to files and directories in a computer network against hacking, misuse, and unauthorized change to the system.

Importance of network security

The importance of network security is explained below −

  • Confidentiality − Confidentiality is probably the common aspect of information security. We need to protect our confidential information through network security. An organization needs to guard against those malicious actions that endanger the confidentiality of its information.

  • Integrity − Information’s needs to be changed constantly. To keep changes secure we need network security.

  • Availability − The third-party component of information security is called availability. The information created and stored by an organization needs to be available for the authorized entities. If it is not available, then there is no use of it. The unavailability of information is harmful for an organization as is the lack of confidentiality or integrity.


Imagine what would happen to a bank if the customers are not able to access their accounts for transactions.

Network security refers to various countermeasures which are put in place to protect and data stored on the network.


There are three components of network security, which are as follows:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Cloud services.

Hardware appliances are devices that perform certain security functions within the networking environment.

Hardware can be installed out of the path of network traffic” but it’s more commonly installed in the path of traffic.

Email Security

Email gateways are a popular medium for spread of malware, spams, and mainly phishing attacks.

To top it all, social engineering methodologies make these threats appear genuine and sophisticated.

Email application security secures access and data of an email account by blocking incoming attacks and controlling outbound messages.

Endpoint Security

In network security, endpoint security technology protects a corporate network when accessed from different remote devices. This remote access poses a potential entry point for security threats.


Network security firewalls monitor incoming and outgoing traffic based on a set of predefined rules.

It acts as a bridge that separates trusted networks from untrusted ones.

Hardware, software or both can serve as a firewall.

Updated on: 15-Sep-2021


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