What are the types of Authentication in information security?

Authentication is the procedure which enables a sender and receiver of data to certify each other. If the sender and receiver of data cannot properly authenticate each other, there is no trust in the activities or data supported by either party.

Authentication can include largely difficult and secure approach or can be very simple. The easiest form of authentication is the transmission of a shared password among entities wanting to authenticate each other.

Authentication defines allowing the network to only receive the authorized users to have access to its resources. It provides the method where the claimed identifier is tested by the access control structure through some means.

The goals of personal authentication is to provide that the rendered services are being accessed only by a legitimate user. There are various types of Authentication which are as follows −

Access Control − The discipline in which structure and policies are created that restrict access to the computer resources only to right users.

Identification − It is an approach where a resource claims (or is recognized through other means) a definite and unique identifier.

Authorization − It can determines the privileges associated with the authenticated identity.

Security − The ability of a system to secure information, services and resources against exploit by unauthorized users.

Privacy − The ability of a system to secure the identity and areas of its users from unauthorized acknowledgment.

Smart card − A small pocket sized plastic card used to create payments and save personal data and which can be read when linked to the computer system. It is generally used a hardware token in monetary transaction systems, particularly in Internet based.

E-Voting − E-voting is also called an Electronic Voting. It is an electronic method of casting a vote and electronic method of counting votes. It can include transmission of ballots and votes through telephone’s private computer network or the Internet.

Biometric Authentication − In another terms, bequeath true user authentication. It is concerned with recognizing a person based on behavioral or physiological features. This is of great help particularly for illiterates.

Behaviors biometric can be gait, speech, signature and keystroke search, whereas physiological biometric uses face, ear, finger-print, voice, finger geometry, palms, hand veins, hand geometry, iris connecting and currently brain waves are used exclusively.

Data Integrity − Data Integrity defines the consistency and accuracy of information to provide that unauthorized parties are avoided from modifying information Authentication. As a result, the data which is received should be to be the similar as the data sent.

Protecting data transmission procedure is needed to prevent any intentional or unintentional changes of these information. Any damage or decline of information will influence the feasibility of these data or information. It becomes not beneficial and not secure to use. Data can use several techniques including encryption.

Updated on: 11-Mar-2022


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