Ways To Remove Bias From Your Hiring Process


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are not just terms but powerful weapons that can build an organization and drive it to success. DEIB means an organization that is ready to accept people from different walks and backgrounds of life and also encourages them to speak their hearts out. Out is a feeling in which the diversified workforce feels as big a part of the organization as any other employee.

In this tutorial, we will be understanding the various ways to remove bias from your hiring process and the benefits of the DEIB organization.

Various Ways to Remove Bias from Your Hiring Process

Hiring through Different Applications

Sourcing through different network applications for the company This will ensure that the company is not stuck with the same database of candidates. They have the chance to explore as well as hire from other sources. Some applications are prevalent among certain schools, colleges, geographical locations, certain skills, and others. But when the company takes risks by hiring from other platforms, they are in a position to understand as well as meet the new talent.

Anonymous Resumes

A lot of bias happens on the basis of the resume of the candidate. The colors that one uses or the picture of the candidate A well-shaved or groomed and attractive man from Mumbai may be given an unfair advantage over a mediocre-looking dark man from Bihar without even knowing it. These biases are wiped out when the name of the candidate, his current address, contact information, sex or gender, photographs, and the resume of the candidate are removed and the resume is shared with the candidate in a standard format.

Screening of the Resumes or the Candidates

It has been found in different studies that women apply for jobs only when they meet 100% of the set requirements, while men apply for jobs even if they meet only 60% of the requirements. This can be a learning point for the company to not mix up qualities that are good to have with qualities that are necessary to have in order to attract more female employees. The organization should also ensure that the job description reflects in real terms what the company needs, and gender-charged words or pronouns like he or she should be omitted at any cost.

Do not use Filters while Searching for the Candidate

Many companies are in the habit of adding filters related to the educational institution, the educational qualification, the marks obtained through certain tests, and others. These show that the organization considers the best quality employees to be only those who have gone through esteemed universities and scored certain marks.

When an organization is hell-bent on these criteria, it is reflecting the unwillingness of the company to give a chance to other skilled students. Here, companies also need to understand that many would want to and could have gone to esteemed universities if they did not have the finances to plan. For a DEI workplace, recruiters should not apply extra-biased filters.

Taking Data-driven Decisions

Instead of using gut feelings or past data regarding the decisions, it is always preferred that the company take data-driven decisions. Hiring employees only when they score particular marks on the test and answer at least these many questions in the interview is a better way to evaluate the right fit for the role and the company. The panel might not get the vibe or might not find the candidate suitable, as past data clearly shows that the panel is implementing affinity bias as well as attribution bias toward the employees.

Unconscious Bias Workshop

Unconscious bias is dangerous because the panel is not even aware of the wrongdoing, so it becomes critical for the company to ensure that the panel is well aware of the bias and the different forms of bias. Making the panel sit through an entire workshop on the different kinds of unconscious bias will ensure that the panel is well aware and mentally more alert to making the right decisions.

When multiple panels are involved in the hiring or when the panels are not using a set format of questions, it clearly shows that one party is being put at a disadvantage over the other. The interview process should be standard, and the panel or the committee can refer to the question after a bulk in order to ensure no leakage of information. A set structure regarding the flow of the questions and the interviews ensures fair play for all the candidates.

Questions such as "What are your future plans after marriage?" or "When are you planning to have children?" should not be asked specifically of female employees. There are serious ethical issues related to this, and on top of it, the image of the company is also hampered because this company is not open to working mothers or women who are about to start a family.

Use Screening Tests or Telephone Interviews

Another way to remove bias is to ensure that a preliminary test or phone call is done for screening the candidate. This will ensure that the candidates are rejected on the basis of their skillset and without bias.

Remove Gender Wording in Job Descriptions

Using gender-neutral words as well as pronouns while drafting job descriptions or job ads is crucial to creating the right and attractive job description. It might seem like something really small, but it will communicate a lot of meaning to the DEI employees.

Follow a Set Structure for Interviews

In order to ensure fairness and transparency, companies should set up a structure for the hiring process for different skills. Set up tests, decide on the questions that need to be asked during her interview, the panel that is going to be there, the number of interview rounds, and others.


Being an organization that not only supports diversity, equity, inclusion, and belongingness but also implements the same is the company’s choice. DEIB brings benefits to companies both in monetary and non-monetary terms to the companies., Increased revenue, more profits, a better company image, satisfied employees, an edge over the competitors, more solution-oriented products, and better communication are just some of the benefits of a DEIB organization. All it takes is the willingness to be a DEIB organization.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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