Ways to Protect Your Eye Health and Preserve Your Vision

Are you wearing your sunglasses today? Do you spend all your time staring at a screen without a break? Perhaps you once again neglected to have your regular eye test. These are only a handful of the factors we frequently forget when it is to preserve good eye health. Yet over time, these seemingly harmless errors and the little choices we make daily can damage our eyesight and our eyes.

Your vision is crucial to your overall well-being. Humans rely only on their vision to view and comprehend the environment surrounding them. Yet, certain eye conditions might result in vision loss, making detecting and treating eye conditions as soon as possible crucial. As frequently as your doctor advises or if you notice any new vision issues, you should undergo an eye exam. Also, maintaining the health of your eyes is equally as crucial as maintaining the health of your body.

Take care not to take your sight for granted. It's never too delayed to alter a routine or stop a habit, so make adjustments now to protect your vision. Below are some pointers that can help you quickly restore the health of your eyes and your eyesight.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Starting with your food; you can maintain good eye health. The prevention of age-related vision issues, including macular degeneration and cataracts, may be aided by micronutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids as well as lutein, zinc, and vitamins C & E.

  • Green vegetables like collards, cabbage, and spinach are the best foods to put on your plate to obtain them.

  • Various oily seafood, including salmon and tuna.

  • The following non-meat protein sources: eggs, almonds, beans, etc

  • Oranges and other citrus fruits and drinks.

  • Ham, pork, and oysters.

You may keep your weight under control by eating a well-balanced diet. Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the primary cause of adulthood blindness, and linked disorders like obesity are decreased.

Maintain your Distance from Screens

Our daily lives include screens and gadgets. They are present wherever we go, including on our cellphones, desktop computers, tablets, laptops, and Music players, as well as in movie theatres, sporting events, airports, railway stations, and subways. We frequently operate from portable electronics at much closer ranges compared to when we read printed pages on a daily basis, and we frequently stare at displays for long stretches of time. Pupil constriction, eyestrain, and computer vision disorder can be brought on by screen glare. It is advised to keep portable gadgets 15 cm away from your face and to hold phones and computers at a distance of at least arm's length.

Give up Smoking

In addition to many other health conditions, it increases your risk of developing cataracts, visual nerve damage, and macular degeneration. Keep trying if you've previously tried to break the habit but failed. More and more times you attempt to stop, the more probable it is that you will succeed. Talk to your physician if you need assistance.

Blood Sugar Levels

Keep a healthy level of blood sugar. Diabetes is, 90% of the time, avoidable as a cause of blindness. Regulating your blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol, sometimes referred to as the "ABCs of diabetes," requires the support of your doctor in setting and achieving your objectives.

  • A1c − Less than 7% is the target value established for this clinical examination for a lot of people, although your doctor may have different targets in mind for you.

  • Heart Disorders − Cardiovascular disease is brought on by elevated blood pressure. The target blood pressure for most individuals would be less than 140/90 mmHg, although your doctor may establish other targets for you.

  • Cholesterol − LDL or "bad" cholesterol, which accumulates and blocks your veins and arteries, is a cause of cholesterol. Your blood vessels' "bad" cholesterol is removed by HDL or "good" cholesterol. Get the recommended values for your cholesterol

Wearing Shades

Your eyes will be better protected from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays with the correct set of sunglasses. Macular degeneration and cataracts are made more likely by excessive UV exposure.

Choose a set that completely or almost completely protects UVA and UVB radiation. Wraparound lenses better protect your eyes from the side. While polarised glasses lessen glare while you're driving, they don't always provide additional protection.

Certain contact lens brands offer UV defense if you use contacts. Sunglasses are still a wise choice to add another layer of protection.

Put on Safety Glasses

  • Use protective goggles or face shields when working with dangerous or volatile products, whether at work or home.

  • While working in the yard, performing work around the house, or operating with potent cleaning agents like bleach or oven cleansers, always wear safety goggles or protective eyewear if necessary.

  • Eye injuries are also possible in sports, including lacrosse, racquetball, and ice hockey. Put on protective eyewear. Sports eyewear with polycarbonate lenses or helmets with safety face masks will safeguard your eyes.

Blink three Times Swiftly

You tend to blink less slowly when you gaze at content on a screen, which is another effect of frequent gadget use. The eyes might get dry and inflamed if you don't frequently blink sufficiently. The 20-20-20 method should be followed: every 20 minutes, take a 20-foot-distance glance at anything for 20 seconds while blinking.

Have Some Green Tea

Another excellent source of antioxidants that maintain eye health and protect it against the onset of AMD and cataracts is green tea.

Take Good care of your Contact Lenses and Spectacles

Before putting in or taking out contact lenses, always wash your hands, and keep them in a solution that will clean them. Never use anything other than recommended contact lens solutions, and always use eye drops following the directions provided by your eye doctor. Some eye drops include components that may cause your contact lenses to respond negatively. Have a spare pair of eyeglasses on hand for days when your contacts "do not feel good" or if you have an eye problem. Contact lenses should not be used for longer than recommended. The eyes can progressively become desensitized if you wait until they get itchy before switching to a new set of lenses. Damage may happen even before the lenses become dry.

Don't use Expired Cosmetics

Mascara that is more than four months old should be thrown away if it is outdated eye makeup. Avoid using eyeliner on the inner of your eyelids and routinely sharpen your eyeliner pencils. Stop wearing makeup if your eyes start to itch and wait for them to improve.

Frequently see an Eye Specialist

All people, especially small children, should get frequent eye exams. You can see your best thanks to it, which also helps safeguard your vision.

Furthermore, glaucoma and other disorders without symptoms might be found with eye exams. Even if they're simpler to cure, it's critical to identify them early.

You may visit one of 2 kinds of specialists based on your concerns for eye health −

  • Those who specialize in treating eyes are known as ophthalmologists. In addition to doing eye surgery, they can offer regular eye care.

  • After graduating from college, optometrists undergo four years of specialized training. They can identify and manage the majority of eye illnesses in addition to offering general eye care. They do not perform eye surgeries.


A thorough eye checkup should be scheduled at least once yearly with your eye care professional. Annual eye exams are an essential gauge of your general health and are useful in spotting early indications of eye illness. An annual eye checkup can spot symptoms of multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, aneurysms, diabetes, heart disease, and diabetes. You may improve your protection and standard of living by giving eyesight issues special consideration.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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