Using Technical SEO to Optimize for LinkedIn Cards

Are you looking for ways to maximize your presence on LinkedIn? Do you want more eyes on your content and a better ranking in search results? If so, then technical SEO is a must. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to use technical SEO tactics to make sure yours stands out when users share it directly or search its title or author details on LinkedIn Cards. Get ready - here comes an ultimate guide!

Understanding the Basics

Professionals have a unique opportunity to network, advertise themselves, and create leads thanks to the website known as LinkedIn. Businesses must maximize their LinkedIn presence to ensure that their brand is noticeable and their content is simple to find. Technical SEO is one approach to doing this.

Optimizing your website or web pages for search engine rankings is known as technical SEO. The objective is to ensure that search engines can easily crawl your site and contain the technical components required to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to Optimize LinkedIn Using Technical SEO?

Below are many methods to use technical SEO to optimize your LinkedIn presence.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page

Making a detailed and interesting LinkedIn company profile is the first step in improving your LinkedIn presence. This entails including the logo, cover photo, and complete company information. It's crucial to incorporate relevant keywords in your company description and ensure your page is well-structured and simple to use.

You can add links to your website, blog, and other social media profiles to further enhance your company page. LinkedIn Showcase Pages can also be used to highlight particular goods or services.

Use Relevant Keywords

The use of keywords is crucial for technical SEO. They aid search engines in comprehending the information on your page and determining its relevance to particular search queries. Include relevant keywords in your profile, postings, and updates to improve your LinkedIn visibility.

You can start by identifying the keywords relevant to your company and industry. To identify the most relevant terms for your niche, use programs like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Once you've chosen your keywords, use them in your updates, job posts, and LinkedIn company profile.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Articles

The robust feature known as LinkedIn Articles enables you to post long-form content to the website. Include relevant keywords in your headlines and content to make your LinkedIn Articles more search engine-friendly.

Also, you should use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make your content easier to read. This improves the readability of your writing and raises the possibility that readers will read and share your posts.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Posts

Short updates, known as LinkedIn Posts, show up in your feed. Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your LinkedIn posts to make them more search engine-friendly. Links to your website or other pertinent content are also acceptable.

To keep your audience's interest, you must include captivating images in your posts. Your posts can be aesthetically appealing by incorporating photographs, videos, or infographics.

Use Open Graph Tags

Meta tags called "Open Graph" give social media sites information about your website or web pages. They support the visual presentation of your content on platforms like LinkedIn, which can boost click-through rates and engagement.

You need to use Open Graph tags on your website and web pages to optimize your LinkedIn presence for them. This includes your website's logo's title, description, and image tags. You can do this to ensure LinkedIn and other social media networks properly display your content.

Use Structured Data

Structured data organizes information on your website or web pages so that search engines can better understand the content. This includes using schema markup, which provides information about your business, products, and services.

To optimize your LinkedIn presence for structured data, you need to use schema markup on your website and web pages. This can include markup for your business address, phone number, and social media profiles. By doing this, you can improve the visibility of your LinkedIn presence on search engine results pages.

Use Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are HTML tags that help search engines understand which version of a page is the original and should be indexed. This is particularly important if you have multiple versions of a page, such as a LinkedIn article that is also published on your website.

To optimize your LinkedIn presence for canonical tags, you need to include a canonical tag on each page of your website and LinkedIn profile. This tag should point to the original version of the page, which in most cases, will be your website. By doing this, you can ensure that search engines index the correct version of your content and avoid duplicate content issues.

Monitor Your Analytics

Finally, it’s important to monitor your LinkedIn analytics to see how your profile and content are performing. This includes tracking your page views, engagement rates, and click-through rates. You can use tools like LinkedIn Analytics or Google Analytics to monitor your metrics.

By monitoring your analytics, you can see what content is resonating with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. You can also use this information to identify areas for improvement and optimize your LinkedIn presence over time.


Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s coding and structure for maximum visibility on Google and other search engines. But it doesn’t stop at webpages - the same set of optimization steps can be used to optimize with LinkedIn cards as well. Use the tips shared above, and do let us know what works best for you.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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