Understanding Snowball Stemmer in NLP

In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), it is important to understand how text analysis works in order to gain useful information, one important part of text analysis is stemming, which means reducing words to their basic form and the Snowball Stemmer is a popular algorithm used in NLP for this purpose.

This article explores the Snowball Stemmer in detail, including its history, how it works, and how it can be used in Python programming. By learning about the Snowball Stemmer, we can see how it helps with finding information, simplifying language tasks, and assisting in different NLP projects.

What is Snowball Stemmer?

The Snowball Stemmer, also known as the Porter2 Stemmer, is an effective stemming algorithm designed to process and reduce words to their stems. It was developed by Martin Porter and is widely used due to its simplicity and efficiency. Snowball Stemmer supports multiple languages and provides language-specific algorithms for stemming.

How Snowball Stemmer Works

The Snowball Stemmer follows a set of predefined rules and algorithms to perform stemming. It analyzes the structure of words and applies a series of transformations to reduce them to their stems. The stemming process involves removing common word endings and suffixes to extract the base form.

Let's take an example to understand how Snowball Stemmer works. Consider the word "running." The Snowball Stemmer would remove the suffix "-ing" and return the stem "run." This process helps in grouping words like "running," "runs," and "ran" under the same stem "run.

Implementing Snowball Stemmer in Python

To use Snowball Stemmer in Python, we need to install the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library. Once installed, we can import the Snowball Stemmer module and start stemming text. Here's an example code snippet −


from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer

# Create a Snowball Stemmer object for English
stemmer = SnowballStemmer(language='english')

# Define a list of words to be stemmed
words = ['running', 'ran', 'runs']

# Iterate over each word and stem it using Snowball Stemmer
stemmed_words = []	
for word in words:
   stemmed_word = stemmer.stem(word)

# Print the original words and their stemmed forms
for i in range(len(words)):
   print(f'Original Word: {words[i]}, Stemmed Word: {stemmed_words[i]}')


C:\Users\Tutorialspoint>python mtt.py
Original Word: running, Stemmed Word: run
Original Word: ran, Stemmed Word: ran
Original Word: runs, Stemmed Word: run

In this example, we demonstrated how Snowball Stemmer can reduce words to their base form. The words 'running', 'ran', and 'runs' are stemmed to 'run' using the Snowball Stemmer for English. This process is useful for grouping similar words together and simplifying text analysis tasks.


  • First, we imported the SnowballStemmer class from the nltk.stem module.

  • Next, we created an instance of the SnowballStemmer, specifying the language as 'english' since we want to stem English words.

  • We defined a list of words that we want to stem.

  • Using a for loop, we iterated over each word in the list.

  • Within the loop, we called the stem() method of the SnowballStemmer object and passed each word to it. This returns the stemmed form of the word.

  • The stemmed word is then appended to the stemmed_words list.

  • Finally, we iterated over the original words and their stemmed counterparts and print them out.

Advantages of Snowball Stemmer

Snowball Stemmer offers several advantages in NLP tasks and text analysis −

  • Improved information retrieval  Stemming allows search engines to match queries with relevant documents more accurately. By reducing words to their stems, Snowball Stemmer expands the search scope and retrieves documents with similar meanings.

  • Reduced dimensionality in text analysis  Stemming reduces the total number of unique words in a document, leading to a lower-dimensional representation. This reduction is especially beneficial in tasks like document classification and clustering, where high-dimensional data can be challenging to handle.

  • Enhanced accuracy in language processing tasks  By reducing words to their stems, Snowball Stemmer helps in eliminating variations due to inflections. This simplifies tasks such as language modeling, part-of-speech tagging, and sentiment analysis.

Disadvantages of Snowball Stemmer

While Snowball Stemmer offers numerous advantages, it also has some limitations −

  • Overstemming and understemming issues  Snowball Stemmer may incorrectly remove parts of words, leading to overstemming, where unrelated words are grouped together. On the other hand, it may fail to reduce some words to their stems, resulting in understemming.

  • Limitations with irregular words  Snowball Stemmer follows specific rules and algorithms, making it less effective with irregular words that do not conform to those rules. It may produce incorrect stems for irregular words, affecting the accuracy of downstream tasks.

  • Impact on word sense disambiguation  Stemming can lead to a loss of information about word meanings. In tasks requiring word sense disambiguation, where the context of words is crucial, Snowball Stemmer's stemming process may hinder accurate analysis.

Comparison with Other Stemming Algorithms

Snowball Stemmer is not the only stemming algorithm available. Another popular algorithm is the Porter Stemmer, which is the predecessor of Snowball Stemmer. The Lancaster Stemmer is another alternative. Here's a comparison table of these stemmers −


Supported Languages

Algorithm Complexity

Snowball Stemmer



Porter Stemmer



Lancaster Stemmer



Examples of Snowball Stemmer Applications

Snowball Stemmer finds applications in various domains −

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)  By applying Snowball Stemmer to website content, search engines can retrieve more relevant results for user queries, improving the overall search experience.

  • Text classification and clustering  Stemming with Snowball Stemmer helps in reducing the dimensionality of text data, making it easier to classify and cluster documents based on their content.

  • Sentiment analysis  Snowball Stemmer simplifies the analysis of sentiment in the text by reducing words to their stems. It allows sentiment analysis models to focus on the underlying meaning of words rather than individual variations.

Best Practices for Using Snowball Stemmer

To make the most out of Snowball Stemmer, consider the following best practices −

  • Choosing the appropriate language  Snowball Stemmer provides language-specific algorithms, so choose the stemmer corresponding to the language of your text to achieve accurate results.

  • Handling linguistic variations  Understand the linguistic variations and rules specific to your chosen language. Adjust your expectations and preprocessing steps accordingly to account for irregular words and exceptions.

  • Evaluating the impact of stemming on specific tasks  Before applying Snowball Stemmer to your NLP task, evaluate its impact on your specific use case. Test and compare the performance with and without stemming to ensure it improves your desired outcome.


In conclusion, Snowball Stemmer is a powerful tool in the field of Natural Language Processing. It helps in reducing words to their stems, simplifying text analysis tasks, and improving information retrieval.

By understanding the underlying algorithms and best practices, you can leverage Snowball Stemmer effectively to enhance your NLP applications.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023


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