SEO - Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets: What Are They?

A unique search result called a "featured snippet" appears at the peak of Google's results page and provides a brief response to the search query. Google collects this data from it to boost one of the webpages with the highest rankings to the top spot of the organic search outcomes.

It offers consumers immediate information that appears above the primary outcome for their search, often known as "Position #0."

It is intended to be a brief, immediate response to the user's inquiry. Google does not produce content specifically for featured snippets. Instead, it uses one of the websites in its index to obtain the information directly from consumers.


Which Featured Snippet Categories Exist?

Google displays one of five different sorts of featured snippets based on the purpose of the search −


Featured Snippet

List with numbering

Numbered List

Bulleted list

Bulleted List



YouTube Videos




Note − There are some additional "snippet-like" results, which are also crucial to remember. To prevent misunderstandings, you must be aware of these −

Entity Carousel


Knowledge Card

Knowledge Card

Knowledge Panel

Knowledge Panel

Blocking Snippets

  • Add the "nosnippet" constraint to the webpage to prevent featured or standard snippets from showing on that page.

  • Neither featured snippets nor standard snippets will include content with the "data-nosnippet" HTML property applied to it.

  • If a web page contains the "nosnippet" and "data-nosnippet" rules, the "nosnippet" constraint will take precedence to turn off the display of snippets for that page.

Featured Snippets: Why Are They Essential?

The snippet box simplifies the task of a Google user by offering a brief and to-the-point response to their question. Consumers are supposed to be able to quickly and easily find a simple answer to their query by skimming the snippet rather than browsing numerous SERPs pages.

The following are some advantages featured snippets may offer for your website −

Gaining trustworthiness

Featured snippets position your organization as a specialist on a given subject. Consumers are far more inclined to view you as an authoritative figure in your sector due to them.

Boosts click-through rate (CTR)

Even if the sample provides customers with a straightforward response to their search, they could get more comprehensive information. Customers will quickly discover what they've been searching for by accessing the highlighted link to your website.

Demonstrates that your content is efficient, helpful, and appropriately organized

You can assess your content with featured snippets. It's an excellent signal that consumers value the information on your website if Google selects it to be included in a snippet.

Assists in reducing visitors who aren't interested in purchasing

Since visitors generally discover what they're searching for, featured snippets boost "no-click searching". This indicates a higher probability that a person will click on your link if they intend to buy something.

Enables you to take advantage of voice technology

Featured snippets are frequently used by artificial intelligence voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana to respond to the voice searches of their consumers. Approximately fifty percent of internet consumers regularly conduct voice searches on laptops and smartphones.

Getting to the best organic position quickly

You can "win" that snippet and accelerate your journey to the best rank if your website appears on the first SERP for the search term that displays a highlighted snippet. Your works are more likely to receive a featured snippet the higher it ranks. A more achievable objective than ranking #1 for a term is making it to the top SERP. However, the most prominent spot is more approachable if the search term results in a featured snippet.

Ways to Optimize to be Featured in Snippets

Initially, conduct some fundamental keyword analysis

According to numerous research, long-tail keywords most frequently cause featured snippets to appear. There is a more significant likelihood that a featured snippet will appear when more phrases are entered into the search box. Researching your keywords is a fantastic place to begin at any time.

Don't merely ask inquiries; aim to provide answers

Although featured snippets are intended to provide quick responses to the consumer's query, different kinds of inquiries can also cause these featured results to appear. Find additional questions by searching Google. Make sure to investigate common specialty queries to delve deeper into the subject.

Find the search terms where you already have a high ranking

You must figure out which keywords you currently rank strongly for. Once you optimize snippets, obtaining featured answers will be the most straightforward. Google Search Console displays the search terms that lead to traffic and engagement.

Optimize On-Page SEO

There isn't a secret tool or specific HTML guaranteeing your website is listed. Becoming highlighted can only happen if you do well in the search. It makes sense to begin with general SEO best practices.

Ensure accuracy and proper organization

Statistics, steps, and listings are favorites of Google. Snippets frequently include information such as the raw materials, the number of steps, the number of processes, the duration, any specific time, the date and location of searched term, etc.

Time in Featured Snippet

To thoroughly understand the kind of summaries and responses Google seeks to produce snippets, consult the company's guide to creating meta descriptions. In-depth, accurate information based on numbers is a favorite of Google.

To arrange your material, no particular markup is required. It will be simpler for Google and your viewers to grasp the information if you use H2 and H3 subheadings.

Ensure that a single content addresses several relevant issues

You need to be able to determine synonymic and queries that have a close connection to each other just as well as Google can. Making an additional page for every query's response would be pointless.

If you want to appear in snippets, writing content that addresses many associated problems is a far better course of action.


When a user clicks a featured snippet, they are taken straight to the area of the page where it was displayed. Without further site annotation, the browser will automatically scroll to where the snippet appeared. Clicking a featured snippet will lead the consumer to the top section of the source web page if their browser doesn't support the necessary underlying software or if their algorithms are unsure of the precise location on the website to route a click.
