Role of weight transmission Protocol in Machine Learning


Federated machine learning allows machine learning models to be trained across various dispersed devices without requiring data to be sent to a central server. The weight transmission protocol is a critical component of federated machine learning since it is in charge of communicating model weights between client devices and the central server throughout the training process. In this article, we look at the significance of weight transmission protocols in machine learning and explain essential approaches like differential privacy, secure aggregation, and compression that are used to assure privacy, security, and efficiency in model weight transfer. We also discuss the trade-offs involved in selecting a weight transfer protocol, as well as the necessity of picking the right protocol for the right use case.

Weight Transmission Protocol

The weight transfer protocol is an essential component of distributed machine learning, which trains models over several devices or nodes. The weight transmission protocol specifies the technique for sending model weights between nodes while maintaining data privacy.

There are several approaches to weight transmission in machine learning, including −

1. Federated Learning

  • Federated Learning is a distributed learning strategy that allows for the training of a global model across various devices without requiring any user data to be shared. Model weights are transferred to a central server and pooled to form a global model in this manner. The weights are then sent back to the client devices for additional training.

  • Each client device in federated learning trains a local model on its own data and communicates just the updated model weights to the central server. After that, the server aggregates all of the client model weights to create a global model that outperforms any of the individual client models.

  • In federated learning, the weight transfer technique frequently consists of the following steps −

    • The server produces and distributes the global model to all clients during initialization.

    • Local Training − Each client trains the model on its own data, starting with the global model.

    • Weight Updates − Following local training, each client communicates to the server just the updated model weights.

    • Aggregation − The server aggregates all of the clients' updated model weights to create a new global model.

    • Repeat − The operation is continued until convergence or the desired precision is attained.

2. Differential Privacy

  • Differential Privacy is a privacy-preserving approach that introduces noise into model weights before sending them to the central server. This prevents the server from deducing sensitive information about specific users based on their model weights.

  • Differential privacy is a privacy-preserving approach that may be used in the machine learning weight transfer protocol to secure sensitive information about individual users.

  • Random noise is introduced to the model weights before transmission in differential privacy, making it harder to deduce sensitive information about specific users from the weights.

  • The amount of noise added depends on a privacy parameter called epsilon, which controls the tradeoff between privacy and accuracy. A larger value of epsilon allows for more noise to be added, which increases privacy but may decrease accuracy.

  • The weight transmission protocol using differential privacy typically involves the following steps −

    • Initialization − The server initializes the global model and sends it to all the clients.

    • Local Training − Each client trains the model on its own data using the global model as a starting point.

    • Weight Updates − Each client adds random noise to its model weights after local training before sending them to the server. The quantity of noise introduced is determined by the privacy parameter epsilon.

    • Aggregation − he server aggregates the noisy model weights from all the clients to generate a new global model. The noise is then removed from the aggregated model weights to obtain the final model weights.

    • Repeat − The process is repeated for multiple rounds until convergence or desired accuracy is achieved.

3. Secure Aggregation

  • To ensure that the model weights are safely communicated to the server without being exposed to other clients or the server, Secure Aggregation employs cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption or secure multi-party computing.

  • A secure aggregation is a privacy-preserving approach that may be used in the machine learning weight transmission protocol to ensure that model weights are safely and secretly exchanged between client devices and the central server.

  • In secure aggregation, cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption or secure multi-party computation are used to enable the clients to transmit their encrypted model weights to the server without revealing any information about the weights or the client data. The server then performs the necessary aggregation computations on the encrypted weights, and the resulting encrypted aggregated weights are sent back to the clients for further training.

  • ○ The weight transmission protocol using secure aggregation typically involves the following steps −

    • Initialization − The server initializes the global model and sends it to all the clients

    • Local Training − Each client trains the model on its own data using the global model as a starting point.

    • Weight Encryption − After local training, each client encrypts its model weights using homomorphic encryption or secure multi-party computation before transmitting them to the server.

    • Aggregation − The server aggregates the encrypted model weights from all the clients using homomorphic encryption or secure multi-party computation.

    • Decryption − The resulting encrypted aggregated weights are then decrypted to obtain the final model weights.

    • Repeat − The process is repeated for multiple rounds until convergence or desired accuracy is achieved.

4. Compression

  • Compression is a method that may be used in the machine learning weight transfer protocol to decrease the quantity of data that must be communicated between client devices and the central server. The objective is to compress the model weights prior to transmission, lowering the quantity of the data that must be transferred as well as the related communication costs.

  • In the weight transfer protocol, numerous compression algorithms can be implemented, including −

    • Quantization is the process of encoding model weights using fewer bits than their original accuracy. Weights, for example, might be represented with 8 bits rather than 32 bits, lowering the quantity of the data that has to be conveyed.

    • Sparsification is the process of expressing model weights with fewer non-zero values than their initial dense form. Setting tiny weights to zero or utilizing other approaches to locate and eliminate unnecessary weights accomplishes this.

    • Huffman Coding − This is a lossless compression technique in which shorter codes are assigned to more frequently occurring symbols in the data. The size of the data that must be transferred can be decreased by applying Huffman coding to the model weights.

    • Delta compression is the practice of communicating only the differences or deltas between the current and prior model weights rather than the whole model weights. This is beneficial in situations when the model weights vary gradually over time.


In conclusion, weight transmission protocol plays a crucial role in federated machine learning. Differential privacy, secure aggregation, and compression are key techniques used in weight transmission to ensure privacy, security, and efficiency while transmitting model weights between client devices and the central server.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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