Race Condition in Golang

In Go, race conditions occur when goroutines simultaneously read and write to the same shared memory space without synchronization mechanisms. This can cause data corruption, inconsistent states, or crashes.In this article, we are going to discuss race conditions in golang. Here we are going to use two different methods: Synchronization with WaitGroup as well as Synchronization with Mutex along with examples to elaborate the concept.



it is used to create a new mutex variable. The sync.Mutex type provides a way to control access to shared resources by acquiring and releasing locks


This method is used to acquire the mutex lock.

mutex − this is the variabl of sync.mutex.


The Unlock() is used to release the lock, and the critical section is the code that is protected by the mutex.


The sync.WaitGroup type is used to wait for the completion of multiple goroutines.


The Add() method is used to increment the counter,


Done() is used to decrement the counter. By deferring the call to Done(), we ensure that the counter is decremented even in the presence of errors or panics.


  • Identify the critical section in your code where race conditions may occur, typically involving shared resources or variables.

  • Analyze and understand the data dependencies and potential interleavings of concurrent operations within the critical section.

  • Implement synchronization mechanisms such as mutexes, locks, or channels to ensure exclusive access to shared resources.

  • Test your code with multiple goroutines and varying levels of concurrency to simulate real-world scenarios.

  • Monitor and detect any race conditions by enabling the race detector using the "-race" flag during compilation.

  • Analyze the race detection output and identify the specific race conditions reported, including the involved variables and goroutines.

  • Resolve the race conditions by applying appropriate synchronization techniques or restructuring your code to eliminate data races, ensuring safe and correct concurrent execution.

Method 1: Synchronization with Mutex

In this method, we use the synchronization technique of Mutex to ensure mutual exclusion and synchronization in a concurrent Go program.


In this code, we have a counter variable that needs to be incremented by multiple goroutines concurrently. To synchronize access to the counter, we use a Mutex named mutex.

Inside the increment() function, we lock the mutex using mutex.Lock() before incrementing the counter and unlock it using mutex.Unlock() after the increment operation. In the main() function, we specify the number of goroutines to be spawned and add them to the WaitGroup using wg.Add(numRoutines). Then, we start each goroutine in a loop using go increment().

package main

import (

var (
   counter int
   mutex   sync.Mutex
   wg      sync.WaitGroup

func increment() {

func main() {
   numRoutines := 5

   for i := 0; i < numRoutines; i++ {
      go increment()

   fmt.Println("Counter:", counter)


Counter: 5


In the example code, the advanceCounter function increments a shared counter variable in a goroutine. Before starting the goroutine, we add it to the queue with Add(1). In Goroutine, we use defer wg.Done() to indicate that the Goroutine is complete. This ensures that the waiting group is notified that each goroutine is complete.

package main

import (

var (
   counter int
   mutex   sync.Mutex
   wg      sync.WaitGroup

func increment() {

func main() {
   numRoutines := 5

   for i := 0; i < numRoutines; i++ {
      go increment()

   fmt.Println("Counter:", counter)


Counter: 5


Race conditions can cause unpredictable and hard-to-debug problems in concurrent Go programs. By understanding the concept of race and using appropriate synchronization mechanisms such as locks, mutexes or channels, developers can reduce race conflicts and simultaneously increase program accuracy and reliability. Regularly running the competitor detection tool provided by Go can help identify and eliminate race conditions early in the development process, resulting in fairer and more balanced competition.

Updated on: 20-Jul-2023


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