How to Fix Race Condition using Atomic Functions in Golang?

Race conditions can be a serious problem for developers working with concurrent programming. When multiple threads or processes access a shared resource simultaneously, they can create unpredictable and potentially dangerous results. Fortunately, the Go programming language provides a number of tools for dealing with this issue, including atomic functions. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to fix race conditions using atomic functions in Go.

Understanding Race Conditions

Before we dive into atomic functions, let's review what race conditions are and why they're a problem. A race condition occurs when two or more threads or processes access a shared resource in an unpredictable way. This can result in data corruption, synchronization errors, or other issues that can cause your program to crash or behave in unexpected ways.


Consider the following code snippet −

package main

import (

var count int

func increment() {

func main() {
   for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
      go increment()

This program creates 1000 goroutines that each increment a shared counter variable. The final value of the counter should be 1000, but due to the race condition, the actual value can vary each time the program is run.



Using Atomic Functions

To fix race conditions in Go, we can use atomic functions. Atomic functions provide a way to perform operations on shared variables in an atomic and thread-safe manner. This means that when multiple threads or processes access a shared variable, only one thread can access the variable at a time, preventing race conditions from occurring.


Let's modify our previous example to use atomic functions −

package main

import (

var count int64

func increment() {
   atomic.AddInt64(&count, 1)

func main() {
   for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
      go increment()



In this version of the program, we've replaced the count variable with an int64 variable and used the atomic package's AddInt64 and LoadInt64 functions to increment and read the variable's value, respectively. The AddInt64 function atomically increments the value of count by 1, and the LoadInt64 function atomically reads the current value of count.

By using atomic functions, we've eliminated the race condition that occurred in the previous example. Now, each goroutine can safely increment the shared variable without interfering with each other.

Other Atomic Functions

In addition to AddInt64 and LoadInt64, the atomic package provides a number of other atomic functions that can be used to perform atomic operations on shared variables. Some of the other functions include −

  • CompareAndSwapInt64 − atomically compares and swaps the value of an int64 variable.

  • StoreInt64 − atomically stores a value into an int64 variable.

  • SwapInt64 − atomically swaps the value of an int64 variable.


Race conditions can be a challenging problem for developers working with concurrent programming. Fortunately, Go provides a number of tools for dealing with this issue, including atomic functions. By using atomic functions, we can perform atomic and thread-safe operations on shared variables, eliminating the risk of race conditions. If you're working with concurrent programming in Go, be sure to keep atomic functions in mind as a powerful tool for managing shared resources.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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