Taylor purchased a rectangular plot of area $634m^2$. The length of plot is 2 more than thrice of its breadth. Find the length and breadth. (approximate value)

Given :

Taylor purchased a rectangular plot of area $634m^2$.

The length of the plot is 2 m more than the thrice of its breadth.

To find :

We have to find the length and breadth of the rectangle.

Solution :

Let the breadth of the plot be $x$ m.

The length of the plot $= x+2$ m.

Area of a rectangle of length l and breadth b is $l \times b$.


$634 m^2 = (x)(x+2) m^2$ 

$634 = x^2+2x$

$x^2+2x-634 = 0$

$ x=\frac{-2\pm \sqrt{2^{2} -4\times 1\times ( -634)}}{2( 1)}$

$x=\frac{-2\pm \sqrt{4+2536}}{2}$

$x=\frac{-2\pm \sqrt{2540}}{2}$

$x=-1\pm \sqrt{635}$

$x=-1\pm 25$


The breadth of the rectangular plot is 24 m(approx.)

The length of the rectangular plot is 24+2 m = 26 m(approx.)

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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