$1500$ families with $2$ children were selected randomly, and the following data were recorded:
Number of girls in a family$2$$1$$0$
Number of families$475$$814$$211$
Compute the probability of a family, chosen at random, having$( i)\ 2$ girls $( ii)\ 1$ girl $( iii)$ No girlAlso check whether the sum of these probabilities is $1$.

Given: $1500$ families with $2$ children were selected randomly, and the following data were recorded:

Number of girls$2$$1$$0$
Number of families$475$$814$$211$

To do: To compute the probability of a family, chosen at random, having

$( i)\ 2$ girls        $( ii)\ 1$ girl       $( iii)$ No girl

Also check whether the sum of these probabilities is $1$.


$( i)$. Total number of families$=475+814+211=1500$

Number of families having $2$ girls$=475$

Probability of having $2$ girls$=\frac{Number\ of\ families\ having\ 2\ girls}{Total\ number\ of\ families}$



$( ii)$. Here, total number of families$=475+814+211=1500$

Number of families having $1$ girl$=814$

Probability of having $1$ girl$=\frac{Number\ of\ families\ having\ 1\ girl}{Total\ number\ of\ families}$



$( iii)$. Here, total number of families$=1500$

Number of families having no girl$=211$

Probability of having $1$ girl$=\frac{Number\ of\ families\ having\ no\ girl}{Total\ number\ of\ families}$



Sum of all these probabilities$=\frac{19}{60}+\frac{407}{750}+\frac{211}{750}$





Thus, the sum of all these probabilities is $1$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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