Divide 690 in the ratio 2:3:5.

Given :

The given number is 690.

To do :

We have to divide 690 in the ratio of 2:3:5.

Solution :


690 has to be divided into 2 parts, 3 parts, and 5 parts.

Total number of parts $=2+3+5=10$.

Therefore, 690 should be divided into 10 parts. 

So, one part $=\frac{690}{10} = 69$

2 parts $=2 \times 69 = 138$

3 parts $=3 \times 69 = 207$

5 parts $=5 \times 69 = 345$

Therefore, 690 should be divided into 138:207:345.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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