Oranges are to be transferred from larger boxes into smaller boxes. When a large box is emptied, the oranges from it fill two smaller boxes and still 10 oranges remain outside. If the number of oranges in a small box are taken to be \( x \), what is the number of oranges in the larger box?


Oranges are to be transferred from larger boxes into smaller boxes. When a large box is emptied, the oranges from it fill two smaller boxes and still 10 oranges remain outside. 

The number of oranges in a small box is taken to be \( x \).

To do:

We have to find the number of oranges in the larger box.


Number of oranges in a small box $=x$

This implies,

Number of oranges in two small boxes $= 2\times x$


Number of oranges remaining outside $= 10$


Number of oranges in larger box $=$ Number of oranges in two small boxes $+$ Number of oranges remaining

$= 2x + 10$

Hence, the number of oranges in the larger box is $2x + 10$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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