Move() function in wxPython

In this article, we are required to perform the move operation using the move function which is a built-in function in wxPython. And ‘wxPython’ is basically a GUI library of Python.

What is wxPython?

As we know that Python provides many libraries for developers to improve the code and minimize the time to develop an application so wxPython is also one of them. The wxPython is a toolkit for developing a graphical user interface (GUI) in python. With the help of this library the developers can create GUIs with a native look and feel. And the application can be performed on various platforms like windows, linux and macOS. Additionally it is a wrapper for wxWidgets, which is used to offer a variety of widgets and tools for creating GUIs.

By utilizing this library we can create responsive applications with the usage of buttons, text boxes, dialog boxes, menus and much more.

Understanding the Problem

In the given problem statement we have to perform the move operation using the wxPython library of Python programming language. So in our project we will move a button which is present inside a window. After clicking the button the button will be moved to another place as per the given dimensions.

Logic for The Above Problem

In the code, A class will be used in the code to specify the framework. Then we'll build a constructor, and we'll use that constructor to define the panel and button. Next, a function to move the button will be defined. Inside this function we will call an event object to move the button as per the given dimensions.


  • Step 1 − First we will import the wx library which is used to provide the necessary classes and functions for developing GUI.

  • Step 2 − Define the class as MyFrame. This class will be used to represent the main application window.

  • Step 3 − Then we will initialize a constructor of the 1myFrame class. And we will pass the parent window and the title as parameters. And also we will set the size of the frame.

  • Step 4 − Then we will create a panel and a button using wx.Panel and wx.Button respectively.

  • Step 5 − After that we will bind the button event. And for this process we will use the bind method to bind the event handler for the button.

  • Step 6 − Now we will define a method to move the button and name it as the on_move_button. So with the help of this method we will handle the event for the button click event.

  • Step 7 − Then create the wxPython application and frame. Here the App method will create the wxPython application. And we will show the frame and start the application event loop.


# import the wx library
import wx

# Define a class for the frame
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):

   # Initialize a constructor
   def __init__(self, parent, title):
      super(MyFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(400, 300))

      panel = wx.Panel(self)
      button = wx.Button(panel, label="Press me to Move", pos=(150, 150))

      button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_move_button)

   # Function for moving the button
   def on_move_button(self, event):
      button = event.GetEventObject()
      button.Move((100, 100))

app = wx.App()
frame = MyFrame(None, "Move Example")

# Console Output
print("The Button has successfully moved")


$$\mathrm{Before \: Moving}$$

$$\mathrm{After \: Moving}$$

$$\mathrm{Console \: Output}$$


So we have successfully created a class to move the button using wxPython GUI library of Python. We have used several methods of wxPython to move the given button.

Updated on: 16-Oct-2023


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