How to Move Directories in Linux?

In the Linux operating system, the ability to move directories is essential for organizing and managing your file system efficiently. Whether you want to rearrange your directory structure, rename directories, or move them to different locations, the mv command comes to the rescue.

In this blog post, we will explore how to move directories in Linux using the mv command. We will cover various scenarios, including moving directories within the same filesystem, moving directories between different filesystems, and preserving metadata during the move process.

Understanding how to move directories in Linux empowers you to maintain a well-structured file system, improve file organization, and facilitate seamless file management.

Understanding the mv Command

The mv command in Linux is used to move files and directories from one location to another. It is a versatile command that allows you to perform various operations related to directory movement.

Overview of the mv Command

The mv command stands for "move" and is a part of the GNU core utilities. It is available in almost all Linux distributions and is widely used for file and directory operations.

Syntax and Usage of the mv Command

The basic syntax of the mv command is as follows −


Here, SOURCE represents the file or directory to be moved, and DIRECTORY specifies the destination directory where the source will be moved to.

Different Options and Flags Available with mv

The mv command supports several options and flags that enhance its functionality. Some commonly used options include −

  • -i or --interactive  Prompts for confirmation before overwriting an existing file.

  • -u or --update  Moves the source only if it is newer than the destination or if the destination does not exist.

  • -v or --verbose  Displays detailed information during the move operation.

These are just a few examples, and there are more options available. You can refer to the mv command's documentation or use the man command to explore additional options.

Precautions to Consider before Moving Directories

Before moving directories, it's important to keep a few precautions in mind:

  • Double-check the destination directory  Ensure that the destination directory exists and is the intended location for the move operation.

  • Back up important data  If you're moving critical directories, it's always a good practice to create a backup in case of any accidental data loss or unintended consequences.

  • Verify permissions and ownership  Make sure you have the necessary permissions to perform the move operation. Also, consider the ownership and permissions of the destination directory to maintain proper access control.

In the next section, we will explore how to move directories within the same filesystem.

Moving Directories between Different Filesystems

In addition to moving directories within the same filesystem, Linux also provides the capability to move directories between different filesystems. This can be useful when you need to transfer directories across partitions or even different storage devices.

To move directories between different filesystems, you can follow a two-step process: copying the directory to the destination and then removing the source directory. Let's explore the steps in detail.

Copying Directories to a Different Location

To copy a directory to a different location, you can use the cp command with the appropriate options. Here's an example 

cp -r source_directory destination_directory

Replace source_directory with the name of the directory you want to move and destination_directory with the desired destination directory.

For instance, to copy a directory named "docs" located at /home/user/projects to a different filesystem mounted at /mnt/backup, you can use the following command 

cp -r /home/user/projects/docs /mnt/backup

Make sure to include the -r option to copy directories recursively.

Removing the Source Directory after Successful Copy

After copying the directory to the destination, you can remove the source directory using the rm command. Here's an example 

rm -r source_directory

Replace source_directory with the path of the source directory you want to remove.

Following the previous example, to remove the original directory named "docs" located at /home/user/projects, you can use the following command 

rm -r /home/user/projects/docs

Be cautious when using the rm command, as it permanently deletes files and directories.

Dealing with Permissions and Ownership during the Move

When moving directories between different filesystems, it's important to consider permissions and ownership. The copied directory may have different permissions and ownership than the original.

To preserve permissions and ownership during the move, you can use the -a option with the cp command. Here's an example 

cp -a source_directory destination_directory

The -a option stands for "archive mode" and preserves the original attributes, including permissions and ownership.

In the next section, we will explore how to move directories with preserving metadata.

Moving Directories with Preserving Metadata

When moving directories, it's often important to preserve the metadata associated with them, such as timestamps, permissions, and ownership. In Linux, you can achieve this by using the rsync command, which provides advanced options for efficient file and directory synchronization.

Using the Rsync Command to Preserve Metadata

The rsync command is a powerful tool that not only copies files and directories but also preserves their metadata. If rsync is not already installed on your system, you can install it using your distribution's package manager.

Installing rsync

To install rsync, you can use the following commands 

  • For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems 

sudo apt-get install rsync
  • For Red Hat-based systems 

sudo yum install rsync

Copying Directories with Metadata Preservation

To move directories with rsync while preserving metadata, use the following syntax:

rsync -av source_directory/ destination_directory

Replace source_directory with the path of the directory you want to move, and destination_directory with the desired destination.

For example, to move a directory named "docs" located at /home/user/projects to /home/user/archive, preserving all metadata, you can use the following command 

rsync -av /home/user/projects/docs/ /home/user/archive

The -a option stands for "archive mode" and ensures that metadata is preserved during the synchronization. The -v option enables verbose output, displaying detailed information about the transfer.

By using rsync, you can effectively move directories while preserving all important metadata.


Mastering the art of moving directories in Linux is crucial for effective file organization and management. Whether you need to rearrange your directory structure, rename directories, or move them across filesystems, the mv command provides the necessary flexibility.

In this article, we explored various aspects of moving directories in Linux. We learned how to move directories within the same filesystem, between different filesystems, and with preserving metadata using the rsync command. We also discussed precautions, error handling, and common scenarios.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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