Do Plants Move?


Plants are often seen as static organisms rooted to the ground, and incapable of movement. However, this is not entirely true. While plants cannot move from one location to another like animals, they are capable of various forms of movement that allow them to adapt to their environment and respond to various stimuli. These movements include trophic and nastic movements. In this tutorial, we will explore these types of movements and discuss whether plants can move.

Trophic Movements

Trophic movements are plant movements that are oriented towards a source of food or nutrients. There are several types of trophic movements, including phototropism, geotropism, hydrotropism, and chemotropism.


Phototropism is a type of trophic movement that occurs in response to light. Plants grow towards light because they need it for photosynthesis, the process by which they produce energy. When a plant is exposed to light, the hormone auxin moves towards the shaded side of the plant, causing the cells on that side to elongate and resulting in the bending of the stem towards the light.


Geotropism is a type of trophic movement that occurs in response to gravity. This movement allows the plant to grow in the direction that is most beneficial to its survival. For example, roots grow downwards towards the center of the earth, while stems grow upwards towards the sky. The hormone auxin is also involved in this process, with the auxin moving towards the lower side of the plant, causing the cells on that side to elongate and resulting in the plant growing upwards.


Hydrotropism is a type of trophic movement that occurs in response to water. This movement allows the plant to grow towards sources of water, which is essential for its survival. The mechanism behind hydrotropism is not fully understood, but it is thought to involve the movement of the hormone abscisic acid, which is produced in response to water stress.


Chemotropism is a type of trophic movement that occurs in response to chemicals. This movement allows the plant to grow towards sources of nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus. The mechanism behind chemotropism is not fully understood, but it is thought to involve the movement of specialized cells called root hairs, which are responsible for absorbing nutrients from the soil.

Nastic Movements

Nastic movements are movements that are not oriented towards a specific stimulus, but rather a general response to the environment. These movements can be triggered by various stimuli, such as changes in temperature, humidity, or touch.


Thigmonasty is a type of nastic movement that occurs in response to touch. This movement is commonly seen in the Venus flytrap and the sensitive plant. When these plants are touched, the cells in the leaves or stems of the plant release potassium ions, causing the cells to shrink and resulting in the movement of the plant.


Nyctinasty is a type of nastic movement that occurs in response to changes in light and darkness. This movement is commonly seen in flowers, which open during the day and close at night. The mechanism behind nyctinasty is not fully understood, but it is thought to involve the movement of specialized cells called pulvini, which are responsible for the movement of the flower.


Seismonasty is a type of nastic movement that occurs in response to vibrations or shaking. This movement is commonly seen in plants that grow in windy areas, such as the mimosa tree. When the plant is shaken, the cells in the stem release potassium ions, causing the cells to shrink and resulting in the movement of the plant.

Some More Types of Movements

There are several other types of movements observed in plants, in addition to trophic and nastic movements. Some of these movements include −


Thigmotropism is a type of movement that occurs in response to physical contact. For example, when a vine touches a support, it will wrap around it, allowing it to climb upwards. This type of movement is important for the growth and survival of certain plants.

Thigmotropism is mediated by various plant hormones, such as auxin and ethylene, which regulate the growth and orientation of cells. When a plant is touched, the cells on the contact side will elongate less than the cells on the opposite side, causing the plant to bend away from the stimulus. The hormone auxin accumulates on the side of the plant opposite the touch, causing cells to elongate and the plant to grow in the opposite direction. Ethylene, on the other hand, promotes the growth of cells on the contact side, leading to curvature towards the stimulus.

Thigmotropism can also play a role in the formation of plant roots, especially in response to hard or compacted soils. When a root tip encounters a solid object, such as a rock or a dense soil layer, it will start to grow around it, using thigmotropism to navigate its way through the soil. The contact stimulates the release of hormones that promote cell growth and division, allowing the root to elongate and push through the obstacle.

Circadian Rhythms

Plants also exhibit circadian rhythms, which are daily cycles of behavior that are driven by internal biological clocks. These rhythms can influence plant growth, metabolism, and other processes, and are thought to help plants adapt to changes in their environment.

Hygroscopic Movement

Some plants exhibit hygroscopic movement, which occurs in response to changes in humidity or moisture levels. For example, the pine cone will close up when it's dry and open when it's wet.

Nutational Movement

Nutational movement refers to the small, irregular movements that plants make as they grow. These movements are caused by the differential growth of plant cells, and can help plants navigate around obstacles in their environment.


Similar to chemotropism, chemotaxis refers to the movement of plant cells in response to chemical gradients. This type of movement is observed in the growth of pollen tubes towards ovules, and in the movement of root tips towards sources of nutrients.


In conclusion, while plants may not be able to move in the same way that animals can, they are capable of various forms of movement that allow them to adapt to their environment and respond to various stimuli. These movements are a vital part of their survival and have important implications for agriculture, horticulture, and medicine.


Q1. Can all plants move?

Ans. Not all plants can move in the same way as animals, but many plants do exhibit different types of movements, such as nastic and tropic movements. Some plants also exhibit other types of movements, such as thigmotropism, hygroscopic movement, and nutational movement.

Q2. Why do plants move?

Ans. Plants move in order to adapt to their environment, avoid predators, and maximize their chances of survival and reproduction. Different types of movements allow plants to respond to changes in light, temperature, moisture, touch, and other stimuli.

Q3. How do plants move?

Ans. Plants move through a combination of chemical and physical processes, including the growth and elongation of cells, the release and redistribution of hormones, and the activation of specialized motor cells.

Q4. Are plant movements slow?

Ans. Plant movements are generally slower than animal movements, as they rely on the growth and elongation of cells rather than muscle contractions. However, some plant movements can occur relatively quickly, such as the rapid closure of Venus flytrap leaves or the snapping shut of touch-sensitive plant leaves.

Q5. Can plants learn from their movements?

Ans. While plants do not have a nervous system like animals, some research suggests that they can "learn" from their movements and adapt their behavior accordingly. For example, plants may be able to recognize recurring patterns of light or other stimuli and adjust their growth or behavior in response.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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