Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual studio Code

Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code: Introduction

A well-known web-based interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing is Jupyter Notebook. It enables users to create and distribute documents with narrative text, live code, mathematics, and visualization. Python, R, and Julia are just a few of the programming languages supported by Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook offers a wide range of functionality, such as data visualization tools, scientific computing libraries, and data manipulation tools, to help users with data analysis.

The web-based environment of Jupyter Notebook can be constrictive in terms of performance and user experience, despite the fact that it has become a common tool in data science and machine learning workflows. Many developers have been looking for substitute Jupyter notebook development and management tools in recent years. Visual Studio Code is one such solution that offers a number of features and extensions to increase developers' productivity. We will examine Python's Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code in this tutorial.

Jupyter Notebook Extension

Definition of Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code

Microsoft created Visual Studio Code, an open-source, cross-platform code editor. It offers a number of tools to assist programmers in writing, debugging, and deploying code in many programming languages. Users may create, edit, and run Jupyter notebooks right inside the Visual Studio Code environment thanks to the Jupyter Notebook Extension for Visual Studio Code.

There are many programming languages supported by the Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code, including Python, R, and Julia. It offers a number of capabilities, such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and live code preview, to aid developers in working more effectively with Jupyter notebooks. Additionally, the extension offers connectivity with other Visual Studio Code add-ons, including debugging tools and Git integration.

Syntax of Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code

The syntax for using the Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code is straightforward. To get started, you need to install the extension in Visual Studio Code and then create a new Jupyter notebook file.


  • Step 1 − Installing the Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code is the first step.

    Installing the Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code is the first step. Open Visual Studio Code and click the Extensions icon on the left side of the screen to access the Extensions panel. Then, click the "Install" button next to the "Jupyter" extension after typing "Jupyter" into the search bar.

  • Step 2 − Create a new Jupyter Notebook file

    Click the "New File" button in Visual Studio Code, and then choose "New Notebook" from the dropdown menu to start a new Jupyter notebook file. A new file with the extension ".ipynb" will be produced as a result.

  • Step 3 − Add Code to the Jupyter Notebook File

    A fresh Jupyter notebook file can have code added to it after creation. Simply click on a notebook cell to begin typing to do this. Python, R, and Julia are just a few of the languages that you can add code in.

  • Step 4 − Run the Jupyter Notebook's code

    You have two options for running the code in the Jupyter notebook: either click on the "Run Cell" button adjacent to the cell, or press "Shift + Enter" on the keyboard. The programme will run, and the notebook will show the results.

  • Step 5 − Save and share the Jupyter Notebook

    You can save and distribute the Jupyter notebook file once you're done working on it. Use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + S" to save the file, or just click the Save button in the top toolbar. You can transmit the file to others or share a link to the notebook using websites like GitHub, Google Drive, or Dropbox to share the notebook.


There are two main approaches for using Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code, depending on your workflow and preferences.

  • Approach 1 − Integrated Jupyter Notebook Environment

  • Approach 2 − Using the Python Interactive Environment

Approach 1: Integrated Jupyter Notebook Environment

Explanation of Approach 1

By means of the Integrated Jupyter Notebook Environment.

Utilizing Visual Studio Code's integrated Jupyter Notebook environment, which offers a comfortable user interface for working with Jupyter notebooks, is one strategy. Follow these steps to use the built-in Jupyter Notebook environment −

Launch Visual Studio Code and open a Jupyter notebook file.

To add and execute code cells, markdown cells, and other notebook components, use the notebook interface. As required, save and distribute the notebook.

Approach 2: Using the Python Interactive Environment

Explanation of Approach 2

Another option is to use Visual Studio Code's interactive Python environment, which offers a variety of tools and features for working with Python code, including Jupyter notebooks. Use the interactive Python environment by doing the following actions −

Open Visual Studio Code and a Python file.

Run Python programmes, including Jupyter notebooks, in the terminal or console by using the interactive Python environment.

Use the code editing tools in Visual Studio Code, such as debugging and Git integration, if necessary.


For data scientists and developers using Python code and Jupyter notebooks, the Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code is a potent tool. Jupyter notebook creation, editing, and sharing are all supported, along with integration with other Visual Studio Code tools and extensions. The Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code can make your work more productive whether you're working on data analysis, machine learning, or scientific computing.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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