Is Python the Programming Language Dead?

Python has hooked up itself as one of the most widely used programming languages in the world after being around for more than three decades. Python has obtained focus in many industries thanks to its simple syntax, adaptability, and countless libraries, alongside web development, data research, and artificial intelligence, to point out a few. Yet, some analysts have started to wonder whether Python will remain applicable given the recent rise of new programming languages.

We shall examine if Python is nearing extinction or is still thriving in this article. We'll look at how it stands right now, investigate the causes of the mistrust, and take a sneak peek at its bright future.

The Current State of Python

Python is commonly recognized as one of the top programming languages, as indicated by various indices such as TIOBE, PYPL, and GitHub. In the TIOBE Index for February 2023, Python secured the second spot as the most popular programming language, with Java leading the rankings. This evaluation is based on a range of factors including the number of qualified engineers, courses, and localized third-party providers available worldwide.

Based on how frequently people search for language lessons on Google, the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index for February 2023 determines how popular certain programming languages are. This index shows that Python is the programming language that is used the most spherically in the world. Python is distinctly extra used than different trendy languages like Java, C, C++, and JavaScript, according to the PYPL index.

Python's popularity as a programming language is further demonstrated by GitHub, a popular website for hosting software development projects. Regarding the quantity of produced repositories, Python came in fourth place in Octoverse's 2021 State of the Octoverse report. Only JavaScript, Python, and Python itself scored higher, demonstrating how popular Python is with programmers.

Consequently, it is evident from these measures that Python is not a programming language in decline. It is still widely used and favored by programmers all around the world.

Why do Some Believe Python is Dying?

Despite the reality that it is now popular, some people assume Python is in decline. A few of them are mentioned below −

Lack of Innovation

Some claim that Python lacks new features and innovation, which deters those who prefer to use more modern, cutting-edge programming languages from using it. They contend that Python is becoming less popular and that its development is moving too slowly.

Slow Speed

Due to the reality that Python is an interpreted language, it runs slower than compiled languages like C or Java. Some declare that Python's speed is a main disadvantage, especially for programs that demand excessive performance, like games or real-time records processing.

Python 2 vs. Python 3

Python two to Python three conversion has been a drawn-out and challenging process. Several developers proceed to use Python two notwithstanding the truth that it is no longer supported, while others have switched to Python three The Python neighborhood has emerged as more fractious as a result, which has hampered the development of the language.

Limited Capabilities

Since Python is a general-purpose programming language, it is not intended for any particular goal. Some contend that this renders it less capable than programming languages designed for a particular field, such as R for statistics and MATLAB for engineering.

Competition from New Programming Languages

New programming languages like Rust, Go, Kotlin, and Swift are becoming more and more well-liked among developers. They are seen as more advanced and effective Python substitutes. Some individuals think that ultimately Python will be replaced by these languages.

Python's Future Prospects

Despite some people's worries, Python's possibilities for the future are still promising. A few of them are mentioned below −


Python is a flexible language that may be applied to numerous industries. For example, it has libraries and frameworks for scientific computing, computer learning, data analysis, internet development, and more. Python will usually be in demand because of its adaptability, which makes it an integral device for many sectors.

Large and Growing Community

A sizable and expanding community of programmers works on Python's development and upkeep. Many tools, frameworks, and libraries developed by this community have increased Python's flexibility and power. It's doubtful that Python's community will leave it anytime soon.

Continuous Development

The advancement of Python remains unabated. The group in charge of Python's development, the Python Software Foundation, keeps putting out updated versions of the language. Python 3.10, the most recent version, was once published in October 2021 and protected a wide variety of enhancements and new features.

Integration with Other Languages

Python is a very good choice for developing applications that call for the usage of many programming languages since it can be smoothly connected with other computer languages, such as C, C++, and Java.

Education and Learning

For beginners learning to program, Python is a fantastic language. As a result of its simple grammar, it is simple to learn. Python is widely used at universities and different academic institutions to train to program, guaranteeing that the language will constantly be on hand to new generations of programmers.


In conclusion, Python is not a dying programming language. It is still popular and widely used by programmers worldwide. Its large and growing community, versatility, continuous development, integration with other languages, and educational value make it a valuable tool for many industries. Despite the possibility of the emergence of other programming languages, Python's future prospects remain promising. Python will keep thriving as long as there is a need for flexible and simple-to-learn programming languages.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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