How to get the state of multiple Checkbuttons in Tkinter?

GUIs are an integral part of modern software applications, providing users with an interactive and visually appealing way to interact with the program. Tkinter, the standard GUI toolkit for Python, offers a variety of widgets to create a rich user experience. In this tutorial, we will highlight how you can handle multiple Checkbuttons in Tkinter and explore an effective approach using the IntVar class.

Understanding Checkbuttons and IntVar

Checkbuttons are GUI elements that allow users to toggle between two states: checked and unchecked. In Tkinter, these Checkbuttons are often used to represent binary options or preferences in a user interface. To efficiently manage the state of multiple Checkbuttons, the IntVar class comes into play.

The IntVar class in Tkinter is a special type of variable designed to hold integer values. When associated with a Checkbutton, an IntVar can store and retrieve the state of the Checkbutton, simplifying the process of managing multiple Checkbuttons within an application.

Creating Multiple Checkbuttons

Let's begin by creating a simple Tkinter application with multiple Checkbuttons. We'll use a list to store the associated IntVar variables for each Checkbutton, allowing us to easily access and manipulate their states.


import tkinter as tk

def show_state():
   states = [var.get() for var in checkbutton_vars]
   print("Checkbutton states:", states)

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Checkbutton Example")

checkbutton_vars = []  # List to store IntVar variables

# Create Checkbuttons with associated IntVar variables
for i in range(3):
   var = tk.IntVar()
   checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(root, text=f"Checkbutton {i+1}", variable=var)

# Button to display the state of Checkbuttons
show_state_button = tk.Button(root, text="Show State", command=show_state)


In this example, we create a simple Tkinter window with three Checkbuttons. The IntVar variables associated with each Checkbutton are stored in the checkbutton_vars list. The show_state function retrieves and prints the current state of all Checkbuttons when the "Show State" button is clicked.


On running this code, you will get the following output window −

Managing State with IntVar

The key to efficiently managing the state of multiple Checkbuttons lies in the use of IntVar variables. When a Checkbutton is associated with an IntVar, the variable reflects the state of the Checkbutton.

The get() method of the IntVar retrieves the current value, allowing you to determine whether the Checkbutton is checked or unchecked.

states = [var.get() for var in checkbutton_vars]

In the example above, we use a list comprehension to retrieve the state of each Checkbutton. The resulting states list contains the values (0 or 1) corresponding to the checked or unchecked state of the associated Checkbuttons.

Customizing Checkbutton Behavior

Tkinter provides various options to customize the behavior and appearance of Checkbuttons. For instance, you can attach callback functions to Checkbuttons using the command option, allowing you to execute specific actions when a Checkbutton is clicked.

def checkbutton_clicked(index):
   print(f"Checkbutton {index+1} clicked")

for i in range(3):
   var = tk.IntVar()
   checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(
      text=f"Checkbutton {i+1}",
      command=lambda i=i: checkbutton_clicked(i)

In this modified example, we define a checkbutton_clicked function that prints a message indicating which Checkbutton was clicked. The lambda function is used to pass the current index to the callback, ensuring that each Checkbutton's click event is associated with the correct index.

Handling Dynamic Checkbuttons

In real-world applications, the number of Checkbuttons and their associated IntVar variables may change dynamically. To accommodate this, you can use dynamic data structures, such as lists or dictionaries, to store the Checkbuttons and their corresponding variables.

checkbutton_vars = []
checkbuttons = {}

def add_checkbutton():
   index = len(checkbutton_vars)
   var = tk.IntVar()
   checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(
      text=f"Checkbutton {index+1}",
      command=lambda i=index: checkbutton_clicked(i)
   checkbuttons[index] = checkbutton

add_button = tk.Button(root, text="Add Checkbutton", command=add_checkbutton)

In this example, the add_checkbutton function dynamically adds a new Checkbutton when the "Add Checkbutton" button is clicked. The checkbuttons dictionary is used to keep track of the Checkbuttons and their associated variables, allowing for easy access and manipulation.

Complete Implementation Example

Here is the complete example to check how multiple Checkbuttons work in a Tkinter application −


import tkinter as tk
def show_state():
    states = [var.get() for var in checkbutton_vars]
    print("Checkbutton states:", states)

def checkbutton_clicked(index):
    print(f"Checkbutton {index+1} clicked")

def add_checkbutton():
    index = len(checkbutton_vars)
    var = tk.IntVar()
    checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(
        text=f"Checkbutton {index+1}",
        command=lambda i=index: checkbutton_clicked(i)
    checkbuttons[index] = checkbutton

# Main Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Multiple Checkbuttons Example")

# List to store IntVar variables
checkbutton_vars = []

# Dictionary to store Checkbuttons
checkbuttons = {}

# Create initial Checkbuttons
for i in range(3):
   var = tk.IntVar()
   checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(
      text=f"Checkbutton {i+1}",
      command=lambda i=i: checkbutton_clicked(i)
   checkbuttons[i] = checkbutton

# Button to display the state of Checkbuttons
show_state_button = tk.Button(root, text="Show State", command=show_state)

# Button to add a new Checkbutton dynamically
add_button = tk.Button(root, text="Add Checkbutton", command=add_checkbutton)

# Run the Tkinter event loop

After running the above code you will see a window containing three initial Checkbuttons, a "Show State" button to display their current states, and an "Add Checkbutton" button to dynamically add new Checkbuttons. Clicking on the Checkbuttons or the "Add Checkbutton" button will trigger the associated actions, demonstrating the management of multiple Checkbuttons in Tkinter.


On running this code, you will get the following output window −


Effectively managing the state of multiple Checkbuttons in Tkinter is crucial for building interactive and user-friendly applications. By utilizing the IntVar class and incorporating dynamic data structures, you can streamline the process of handling Checkbutton states.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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