How to Extend Selection to the End of Column or Entire Row in Excel

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for organizing and analyzing data, performing calculations, creating charts and graphs, and automating various tasks. Excel provides a user-friendly interface and a range of features that make it a popular tool in various industries, including finance, accounting, data analysis, and project management.

With Excel, you can create worksheets consisting of cells organized in rows and columns. Each cell can contain text, numbers, formulas, or functions. Excel allows you to perform calculations on data using built-in functions, as well as create complex formulas to manipulate and analyze data. It also offers a wide range of formatting options to customize the appearance of your spreadsheets.

Excel's functionality extends beyond basic calculations and data entry. It offers advanced features like sorting and filtering data, creating pivot tables for data summarization, creating data validation rules, and generating charts and graphs to visualize data. Additionally, Excel supports automation through macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and create customized solutions.

Steps to Extend Selection to the End of Column or Entire Row in Excel

To extend the selection to the end of a column, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

Step 1

Open your Excel file First, open the Excel file that you want to work with. If you don't have an Excel file yet, create one by clicking on the "New Workbook" button on the Excel start page.

Step 2

Create sample data as follows.

Click on the cell from which you want to start the selection. In our case, A3 is selected.

Step 3

Press the Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow keys together.

This will select all the cells from the starting cell to the last non-empty cell in that column.

Extending the Selection to the End of Entire Row

To extend the selection to the end of entire row, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

Step 1

Open your Excel file First, open the Excel file that you want to work with. If you don't have an Excel file yet, create one by clicking on the "New Workbook" button on the Excel start page.

Step 2

Click on the cell from which you want to start the selection. In our case A9 is selected.

Step 3

Press the Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow keys together.

This will select all the cells from the starting cell to the last non-empty cell in that row.


Extending the selection to the end of a column or an entire row in Excel is a straightforward process. By using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow for columns or Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow for rows, you can quickly select all the cells from a starting point to the last non-empty cell in that column or row. These shortcuts save time and effort, especially when working with large datasets or when you need to select extensive ranges of data.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023


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