How to Count the Number of Days, Workdays, Weekends between Two Dates in Excel?

Excel is a capable programme that can do a wide range of computations and activities, including those that include dates. Excel can be a useful tool if you ever need to calculate the number of days or a specific kind of day, such a weekend or a workday, between two dates. Understanding these approaches will surely improve your Excel skills and increase the effectiveness of your daily duties, whether you're keeping track of project timetables, figuring out vacation days, or evaluating business indicators.

Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with Excel. We'll walk you through each stage while covering the requirements in a way that's approachable for beginners. So, let's start with the first approach, which involves using Excel's built-in functions, if you're ready to unleash the power of this spreadsheet programme to easily count days, workdays, and weekends.

Count the Number of Days, Workdays, Weekends Between Two Dates

Here we can complete the task using the formula directly. So let us see a simple process to know how you can count the number of days, workdays, weekends between two dates in Excel.

Step 1

Consider an Excel sheet where you have two dates.

First, to count the number of days between two dates, click on an empty cell and enter the formula as =DATEDIF(A2,B2,"D") and click enter.

Empty cell > Formula > Enter.

Step 2

Then, to count the number of workdays between two dates, click on the empty cell and enter the formula as =NETWORKDAYS(A2,B2) and click enter.

Empty cell > Formula > Enter.

Step 3

Finally, to count the number of weekends between two dates, click on the empty cell and enter the formula as =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A2&":"&B2)),2)>5)) and click enter.

Empty cell > Formula > Enter.

This is how you can count the number of days, weekdays, and weekends between two dates in Excel.


In this tutorial, we have used a simple example to demonstrate how you can count the number of days, workdays, and weekends between two dates in Excel to highlight a particular set of data.

Updated on: 21-Aug-2023


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