Find number of days between two given dates in C++

In this problem, we are given two arrays date1[] and date2 consisting of 3 integers which denote the DD-MM-YYYY of daes. Our task is to find the number of days between two given dates.

Let’s take an example to understand the problem,


date1[] = {13, 3, 2021}, date2[] = {24, 5, 2023}




The difference is 2 years , 2 months (3 - 5) and 11 days.

2*356 + (30 + 31) + 11 = 802

Solution Approach

A simple solution to the problem is by looping, starting from the start date date1 to date2 counting the number of days. And returning the value. This approach is ok, but a more efficient approach can be there.

Efficient Approach

A more efficient approach to the problem is by counting the total number of days till both the dates date1[] and date2[]. And then the absolute difference between both gives the result.

To count the number of days till both date1[] from 01/01/0000.


Number of days till the first day of the year date1[2]

Number of days = 365*(years) + no. of leap year


For a number of days till the 1st day of the month. Count from month array.

Number of days = monthDays[date[1]].

monthDays will store the total number of days till the 1st date of the month.


Number of days.

Sum of all these gives the count of days till date date1[]. The difference between the counts is the result.

Program to illustrate the working of our solution,


 Live Demo

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
const int monthDays[12] = { 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243,
273, 304, 334, 365 };
int countLeapYearDays(int d[]){
   int years = d[2];
   if (d[1] <= 2)
   return ( (years / 4) - (years / 100) + (years / 400) );
int countNoOfDays(int date1[], int date2[]){
   long int dayCount1 = (date1[2] * 365);
   dayCount1 += monthDays[date1[1]];
   dayCount1 += date1[0];
   dayCount1 += countLeapYearDays(date1);
   long int dayCount2 = (date2[2] * 365);
   dayCount2 += monthDays[date2[1]];
   dayCount2 += date2[0];
   dayCount2 += countLeapYearDays(date2);
   return ( abs(dayCount1 - dayCount2) );
int main(){
   int date1[3] = {13, 3, 2021};
   int date2[3] = {24, 5, 2023};
   cout<<"The number of days between two dates is "<<countNoOfDays(date1, date2);
   return 0;


The number of days between two dates is 802

Updated on: 15-Mar-2021

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