How do you create a drop-down menu in HTML?

A website created with HTML, CSS, and JS offers significant customization and flexibility, because of its coding-based structure. Design and functionality are entirely at the developers' hands, which makes it perfect for challenging or distinctive projects. However, WordPress streamlines the procedure with pre-made plugins and templates, making it appropriate for quick installs and non-technical users. However, for highly customised requirements, it could be restrictive. The decision ultimately comes down to the exact requirements, the developers' level of experience, and the degree of control desired over the look and feel of the website.

Methods Used

  • Using the <select> and <option> elements

  • Custom implementation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Using the <select> and <option> element

The "<select>" element is used to build the menu container when generating a drop-down menu in HTML. Individual menu items are defined within this element using '<option>' components. The usage of active voice explains that when users click on the dropdown, a list of potential alternatives is displayed.


  • Set the parameters for the HTML form or container that will hold the drop-down menu.

  • To construct the drop-down menu, insert the <select> element within the form or container.

  • Insert 'option' elements to define the menu items inside the'select' element.

  • Include a unique option identification in the value attribute of each <option> element.

  • To set a default selected item, you can utilise the selected attribute inside of one of the <select> tags.

  • The <select> and option> elements should be closed.


   <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
   <option value="option2" selected>Option 2 (Default)</option>
   <option value="option3">Option 3</option>

Custom Implementation using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Developers design their own dynamic dropdown from start when using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to establish a custom dropdown menu. With "select" and "option" elements in HTML, CSS is used to customise the dropdown container's appearance, while JavaScript is used to handle user interactions. Developers can dynamically display and conceal the options when the dropdown is clicked by including event listeners. With more design and behaviour flexibility provided by this method, developers can fully customise the functionality of the dropdown and adapt it to the needs of a given project.


  • Start Building HTML structure

  • Insert a <div> container to hold the dropdown menu.

  • Add a <button> element inside the container which will act as a dropdown toggle.

  • The dropdown menu selections should be contained inside an unordered list (<ul>).

  • Within the under ordered list, add the list items <li> to represent each option.

  • After structuring HTML, style the dropdown using CSS

  • Use the appropriate styles to the container , button and list items to get the desired appearance.

  • Set the list items to “none” from “display property” initially, to hide them.

  • The dropdown button can have a click event listener added using JavaScript.

  • Toggle the list items' visibility when the button is pressed.

  • Add or remove a CSS class using the "display: block" or "display: none" styles to change visibility.

  • Update the dropdown button's text to reflect the selected option whenever a list item is clicked.

  • The dropdown button can have a click event listener added using JavaScript.

  • Toggle the list items' visibility when the button is pressed.

  • Add or remove a CSS class using the "display: block" or "display: none" styles to change visibility.

  • Update the dropdown button's text to reflect the selected option whenever a list item is clicked.

  • Again conceal the list items.


<div class="dropdown">
   <button id="dropdownBtn">Select an option</button>
   <ul id="dropdownOptions">
      <li>Option 1</li>
      <li>Option 2</li>
      <li>Option 3</li>

Types Of Dropdown Menu

Basic Dropdown Menu

The <select> element, which acts as the menu container in HTML, is used to build a simple drop-down menu. The choose element's <option> elements are used to define the menu options. The dropdown menu can be actively clicked by users to display a list of options. The desired <option> element uses the selected property to set a default selection.

Multi-Level Dropdown Menu

Using nested <ul> (unordered list) and <li> (list item) elements within the <select> and <option> structure, a multi-level dropdown menu is produced in HTML. To make it clear that users can click on the main dropdown to discover submenu options, active voice is employed. Within the relevant <li>" items, the hierarchical navigation system employs nested <ul> elements to represent sub-menus. Sub-menu choices are shown when users mouse over or click on a parent menu item. This layout makes a variety of user interactions and investigation easier, which improves the website's usability.

Mega Menu

A standard dropdown menu that has been improved and expanded into a mega menu. It makes use of the <div> element to build a more complex menu layout, frequently with many columns and sections. By hovering over the main menu items, users can actively interact with the mega menu, revealing a variety of options and submenus. The user experience is optimized by this advanced navigation strategy, especially on websites with a lot of material and complex navigation requirements. Mega menus enable easy access to numerous parts, enabling users to find the needed information quickly. For website visitors, this updated menu design offers a more user-friendly and effective browsing experience.


The 'select' and 'option' elements can be used to create a drop-down menu in HTML for a more straightforward solution, while a custom technique utilising HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be used for greater flexibility and customization. The second way enables developers to create dynamic drop-downs with distinctive styles and behaviours, while the former is simple and appropriate for basic cases. The decision between the two methods depends on the project's complexity, the developer's level of experience, and the level of control desired over the menu's appearance. Both strategies offer a range of options to satisfy the requirements of diverse projects and user experiences.

Updated on: 18-Aug-2023


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