How can management ensure working women’s safety on their premises?

Women in today’s world are taking major positions in different sectors and are performing extraordinarily well in their work roles. The contribution of women is extremely crucial for the inclusive economic development of the country. The principle of Gender Equality is enshrined in our constitution and the feminist movement in the late 1970s strengthened the concept. If we want women to succeed in their work lives, it is important to create a safe atmosphere for a woman to give a holistic contribution. Let's know how:

Infrastructure Facilities

It is extremely important to keep the infrastructure facilities extremely strong in any workplace. Proper CCTV cameras must be installed at places wherever it is essential. The hygiene facilities should be provided appropriately. Fencing and security at the entrance must be given due consideration. These small steps contribute in making the physical space safe.

Character Check of Employees

While this particular point exists in major organizations, it must become a mandatory rule for all the micro or macro organizations. A thorough background check of the employees, who are recruited, should be conducted. This helps in building a team of high moral character in your organization who respect the position of women at the workplace.

Grievance Redressal

According to the guidelines established after the Vishakha v/s State of Rajasthan case, each and every organization and educational institutes must have an efficient Grievance Redressal Cell to tackle the grave issues like sexual harassment. However, an organization should have experienced and qualified members working in this cell who address grievances effectively, efficiently with immediate effect and take stringent disciplinary action against any form of abuse on women. Strict rules and immediate action become major incentives for a secured environment for working women.

More Participation of Women in Different Working Committees

The concept of safety goes beyond the confined understanding in terms of physical space. Women should also be given a chance to participate freely in the different committees of the organization. This shall give the security in the form of confidence that their views and opinions are given due consideration.

Safety Products and Awareness Campaigns

There should be regular awareness campaigns about women’s rights and also gender sensitization in the offices.

These campaigns keep all the employees, especially the men, grounded in the fact that women security and dignity has to kept up at all times as they are a sensitive section of our population. Some products like chilly sprays can be given to women for safety purposes while traveling. Women can be empowered by self-defense workshops in offices as well.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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