How can I improve performance of a Laptop or PC?

You have an assignment due and just sat down to finish it off quickly, but your slow laptop or PC is creating a trouble for you and the worst part is, you have no clue how to deal with this sluggish piece. No big deal if many users go the verge of even replacing their laptop and PC. Hey, wait! You simply don’t have to. You can give your device a speedy boost easily by making some tweaks here and there, know how?

Go to Control Panel

Simply open the control panel and remove all the old software, programs, heavy games and other files. You can also unburden your hard disk so that all your major programs get the required space to work efficiently.

For Windows 10 and 8- Right-click the Start button and click on Control Panel. For Windows 7 and earlier-Click the Start button and click on Control Panel.

Check Malware

Besides damaging your laptop/PC in many ways, malware or viruses play a huge role in making your device extremely sluggish. Go for Malwarebytes, which scans malware and other unwanted programs. You can also have a good antivirus, which helps in getting the viruses and rootkits scanned.

Add an SSD

Although, a costly move, the Solid State Hard Drive will have a drastic impact as far as the speed is concerned. Such hard drives come with no moving parts and you will see that the boot and loading time has been improved exceptionally.

Reinstall Your Operating System

Re-installing or formatting is considered the last option if any device has some issues because it helps to boost the speed up to a huge level. However, formatting makes all your data to be removed and you have to reinstall all the program. To avoid this, you can have your data backed up in prior and get only Windows reinstalled. This will allow you to run your device again within a short time.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2022


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