Groovy - Nested Switch Statement

It is also possible to have a nested set of switch statements. The general form of the statement is shown below −

switch(expression) { 
   case expression #1: 
   statement #1 
   case expression #2: 
   statement #2
   case expression #N: 
   statement #N 
   statement #Default 

Following is an example of the nested switch statement −

class Example { 
   static void main(String[] args) { 
      //Initializing 2 variables i and j 
      int i = 0; 
      int j = 1; 
      // First evaluating the value of variable i 
      switch(i) { 
         case 0: 
            // Next evaluating the value of variable j 
            switch(j) { 
               case 0: 
                  println("i is 0, j is 0"); 
               case 1: 
                  println("i is 0, j is 1"); 
               // The default condition for the inner switch statement 
               println("nested default case!!"); 
         // The default condition for the outer switch statement 
            println("No matching case found!!"); 

In the above example, we are first initializing a variable to the a to a value of 2. We then have a switch statement which evaluates the value of the variable a. Based on the value of the variable it will execute the relevant case set of statements. The output of the above code would be −

i is 0, j is 1