Difference between HTML and Bootstrap

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a web-based scripting language used for designing webpages. It uses tags to define elements like headings, paragraphs, and images, providing structure and layout to the webpage. The latest version of HTML is HTML5.


HTML is essential for web page design, offering an easy way to define content structure and layout. It enables web browsers to display content in a structured manner, making it user-friendly.

Advantages of HTML

Following are the advantages of using HTML to create web pages −

  • HTML has a simple syntax, easy to learn, understand and write.

  • HTML is platform-independent. In other words, it can be used on any operating system.

  • It provides a set of tags to include various media elements in web pages such as audio, video, and images.

  • It is supported by all browsers.

Disadvantages of HTML

Following are the disadvantages of using HTML to create web pages −

  • HTML is a primary markup language that lacks advanced features. To include them, it requires other technologies like CSS and JavaScript.

  • HTML majorly focuses on organizing the content in a structured manner rather than visuals.

  • It doesn’t have any built-in security features, making websites unguarded from various security threats.

Characteristics of HTML

  • It is easily understandable and more flexible to design web pages.

  • It can be used on any platform, including desktop and mobile devices.

  • HTML is written using plain text and can be easily edited with any text editor.

Bootstrap is a front-end CSS framework that is used to develop responsive and mobile-first websites. It contains a set of various CSS and JavaScript components that can be used to design visually appealing web pages. The latest version of Bootstrap is Bootstrap v5.2.

Why Bootstrap?

Web developers prefer using Bootstrap because it has several advantages. It has pre-built CSS and JavaScript components such as navigation bars, forms, buttons, etc. We can also customize these components. This makes our work much easier and consumes less time to design visually beautiful web pages. Bootstrap is supported in all web browsers.

Advantages of Bootstrap

Following are the advantages of using Bootstrap to create web pages −

  • Bootstrap has a wide range of pre-built components like navigation bars, dropdowns, forms, buttons, etc.

  • It will work in all web browsers efficiently.

Disadvantages of Bootstrap

Following are the disadvantages of using Bootstrap to create web pages −

  • Bootstrap limits us to modify the default styles without diving into the framework's internals.

  • After including the Bootstrap framework in our webpage, it adds an additional file size, which can affect loading times, especially for users who have slow connections.

Characteristics of Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap is a CSS framework that contains pre-built CSS classes and components.

  • Web pages that are built using Bootstrap can adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Difference between HTML and Bootstrap

The following table illustrates the difference between HTML and Bootstrap −



HTML is a markup language that is used to create and structure the content of a webpage.

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that is used to create visually appealing web pages.

HTML defines webpage elements and layout, including headings, paragraphs, links, images, and tables.

It contains pre-built components such as navigation bars, dropdowns, buttons, forms, etc.

Manual coding is needed for styling and responsiveness.

It provides a responsive grid system and CSS classes for easy creation of responsive websites.

It provides the foundation for web development but doesn't include pre-built design components.

Bootstrap makes work easy for web developers by providing ready-to-use design elements and components.

Updated on: 04-Aug-2023


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