Difference between Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

It is not an easy undertaking to perform computational analysis of images as well as patterns that are more abstract. In many computer vision applications, this procedure is a low-level phase in the process. The plan is to search through the photographs for any hints or information that can help solve the problems.

Computer vision involves the collection of digital images (by using image sensors), the processing of those images, and the analysis of those analyses in order to acquire some knowledge of the visual input.

When it comes to making interpretations, computer vision and pattern recognition are very similar. The process of pattern recognition is quite similar to that of machine learning.

What is Computer Vision?

Images are the starting point for computer vision. Artificial intelligence (AI) is broken down into subfields, one of which is "image analysis", which aims to extract useful information from pictures. It teaches computers to interpret what they see in their surroundings.

The past decade has seen the first large-scale deployments of consumer computer vision technology, which has led to significant advancements in our knowledge of computer vision. These advancements have led to remarkable development. For instance, the vast majority of today's digital cameras are equipped with in-built algorithms for facial recognition.

Computer vision is utilized in a far wider variety of business sectors than you might initially believe, from detecting flaws in manufactured goods to streamlining the checkout process in today's retail establishments. The field of artificial intelligence and deep learning is responsible for the development of one of the most astonishing technologies in recent history − computer vision.

Computer vision is an application of machine learning and artificial intelligence that extracts data from digital photos and videos and then uses that data to make judgments that are meaningful to the user.

Computer vision, just like the majority of other machine learning systems, requires a substantial amount of data in order to properly train algorithms to understand that data.

In most cases, computer vision makes use of two distinct types of technology −

Deep Learning

Deep learning can be used to assist in the resolution of complicated problems. More crucially, deep learning, which makes use of neural networks, can effectively teach machine "brains" to take in visual data and remember the knowledge of patterns, strategies, and changes to environmental variables over the course of time.

Convolutional Neural Networks

CNNs take visual information such as photographs and break it down into pixels. Then, in order to create predictions about the data, they use an operation known as "convolutions," which is the process of producing a mathematical function by combining two other functions.

Computer vision, in its most basic form, makes use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning to carry out high-speed, highvolume unsupervised learning on visual information. This allows machine learning systems to be trained to interpret data in a manner that is somewhat comparable to how the human eye processes information.

What is Pattern Recognition?

In our digital age, pattern is all that is around you. A pattern can be noticed either physically or mathematically through the use of various algorithms. Both methods are viable options.

The process of recognizing patterns through the use of a machine learning algorithm is referred to as pattern recognition. The classification of data based on previously acquired knowledge or on statistical information extracted from patterns and/or their representation is an example of pattern recognition. Another definition of pattern recognition is the process of recognizing patterns from their representations. The potential uses that might be found for pattern recognition are an essential component of this field.

Examples of Pattern Recognition

Speech recognition, speaker identification, multimedia document recognition (MDR), automatic medical diagnosis.

During the course of a typical pattern recognition application, the raw data is subjected to processing and then transformed into a format that can be utilized by a computer. The process of pattern recognition includes categorizing and clustering different patterns.

  • In pattern classification, an appropriate class label is provided to a pattern based on an abstraction that is built using a set of training patterns or domain knowledge. This assignment is made on the basis of a pattern's similarity to other training patterns. In supervised learning, classification plays an important role.

  • The data were partitioned in a way that helped with decision-making, which was the particular decision-making activity that interested us. This was generated using clustering. In unsupervised learning, the technique of clustering is utilized.

There are three different ways in which features can be represented − continuously, discretely, or discretely binary. A feature is a function that is generated based on one or more measurements, and it is designed to quantify some significant aspects of the item that it describes.

Benefits of Pattern Recognition

  • Problems with classification can be solved using pattern recognition.

  • The issue of false positives in biometric identification can be resolved by pattern recognition.

  • People who are visually handicapped or blind can benefit from using it to recognize patterns on cloth.

  • It is useful for diarizing the speaker's thoughts.

  • Certain things are recognizable to us no matter what angle we view them from.

Drawbacks of Pattern Recognition

  • The method of syntactic pattern recognition is difficult to put into practice because it is such a tedious procedure.

  • Sometimes having a larger dataset is necessary in order to attain better accuracy.

  • It is unable to provide an explanation as to why a specific object is recognized.

  • Consider the difference between my face and the face of my friend.

Applications of Image Processing

  • Image processing, segmentation, and analysis − Image processing necessitates the employment of machines that are capable of human-like recognition, and this can be accomplished through the application of pattern recognition.

  • Computer vision − In the field of computer vision, pattern recognition is utilised for a variety of applications, including imaging in the fields of biology and medicine, in order to extract meaningful characteristics from given image or video samples.

  • Seismic analysis − In seismic array recordings, the pattern recognition approach is employed for the purpose of discovering, visualizing, and providing an interpretation of temporal patterns. Several distinct kinds of seismic analysis models incorporate and make use of statistical pattern recognition.

  • Radar signal classification/analysis − Methods of pattern recognition and signal processing are utilized in a wide variety of applications of radar signal classifications, including the detection and identification of AP mines.

  • Speech recognition − Pattern recognition models have shown to be the most successful in voice recognition efforts. [Citation needed] [Citation needed] It is utilized in numerous speech recognition algorithms, all of which treat larger units, such as words, as patterns in an effort to circumvent the issues that arise from attempting to describe speech at the phoneme level.

  • Fingerprint identification − The market for biometric technology is dominated by the technology that can recognize a person's fingerprint. The process of matching fingerprints has been carried out with the assistance of a variety of recognition strategies, the most common of which being pattern recognition.

Comparison between Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

The following table highlights the major differences between Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition −

Basis of ComparisonComputer VisionPattern Recognition
MeaningThe study of how computers may be taught to extract meaningful information from pictures is known as image understanding.Its primary function is to find patterns and regularities within data for the sake of classification.
DataIt operates on the visual data, such as digital photographs and movies, to accomplish its goals.Images, texts, videos, and audio files are all valid formats for the data inputs.
PurposeThe goal of this exercise is to teach a computer or other machine how to comprehend recognizable characteristics in a picture.It is used to extract meaningful information from provided samples, such as speech, photos, or text, and is put to use in the process of data mining.
ApplicationApplications include automated checkout, testing of autonomous cars, medical diagnostics, monitoring of crops and livestock, defect identification, and other similar applications.A few examples of applications are computer-assisted diagnostics, bioinformatics, data compression, image analysis, and signal processing.


Computer Vision entails the processing and analysis of images in order to comprehend the distinguishable characteristics included in images. It is utilized in a vast number of sectors to improve the overall experience of the customer while also lowering expenses. It is without a doubt one of the most astonishing technologies that has ever emerged from the fields of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

Pattern recognition is the process of identifying and classifying input data, such as text, audio, and photos, by applying machine learning algorithms to outline patterns in the given data. This process can be applied to data such as text, speech, and photographs.

Computer vision focuses mostly on visual data like images or videos, whereas pattern recognition can be applied to audio files, movies, photographs, text, and many other types of data.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2022

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