Cypress - File Upload

To perform file upload task in Cypress, we have to first install a plugin with the command mentioned below −

   npm install –dev cypress-file-upload

The following screen will appear on your computer −

Upload Task in Cypress

Once the installation is done, we have to add the statement import 'cypress-file-upload' in the command.js file. This file resides inside the support folder within our Cypress project.

Also, we shall add the file that we want to upload within the fixtures folder (Picture.png file). The following screen will be displayed −

Picture.png file

To upload a file, we have to use the Cypress command, attachFile and pass the path of the file to be uploaded as a parameter to it.


The implementation of the commands for uploading a file in Cypress is as follows −

describe('Tutorialspoint Test', function () {
   // test case
   it('Test Case6', function (){
      //file to be uploaded path in project folder
      const p = 'Picture.png'
      // launch URL
      //upload file with attachFile
      //click on upload
      //verify uploaded file

Execution Results

The output is as follows −

Uploading a File in Cypress

The execution logs show that the file Picture.png got uploaded and the file name got reflected on the page.
