CSS - image-rendering Property

The image-rendering property in CSS is used to control how an image should be rendered or displayed by the browser. It specifies the algorithm that the browser should use when scaling the image up or down, as well as when displaying the image at sizes that are not a multiple of the image's intrinsic dimensions.

The property can have following values:

  • auto: Default value. Browser chooses the image rendering algorithm.

  • crisp-edges: Browser preserves contrast, colors and edges of the image without any smoothing or blurring. This value applies to images scaled up or down.

  • pixelated: Browser applies a pixelated effect when scaling the image, which can give a retro or low-resolution appearance.

This property can be applied to background images, canvas elements as well inline images.

Note: The image-rendering property may not be supported in all browsers or might have limited support for certain image types or rendering scenarios.

Applies to

All the HTML elements.

DOM Syntax

object.style.imageRendering = "pixelated";

CSS image-rendering Example

The following example demonstrates how to use image-rendering property with different values −

   .demoImg {
      width: 300px;
      height: 200px;
      margin-right: 0.5in;
   <img src="images/scancode.png" alt="none">
   <img class="demoImg" style="image-rendering: pixelated;" src="images/scancode.png" alt="pixelated">
   <img class="demoImg" style="image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; image-rendering: crisp-edges;" src="images/scancode.png" alt="crisp-edges">