Creating animated loading skeletons in React JS

In this article, we will see how to create animated loading skeletons in React JS. We get to see animated loading skeletons on eCommerce sites and travel sites where they are used to indicate what type of content we are going to see once the page loads. It is popular among developer community. So, let's get started.

First create a React project −

npx create-react-app tutorialpurpose

Go to the project directory −

cd tutorialpurpose

Example 1

Install the react-loading-skeleton package −

npm i --save react-loading-skeleton

We will use this package to implement premade skeleton loading in our React or Node project without any CSS or JavaScript.

Add the following lines of code in App.js

import Skeleton, { SkeletonTheme } from "react-loadingskeleton";

export default function App() {
   return (
         <p style={{ width: 500, marginLeft: 100 }}>
            <Skeleton count={30} />


This code will create a plain skeleton loading which is normal white in color.

  • It first makes a wrapper which is <SkeletonTheme> which is used to decide the theme.

  • Inside <SkeletonTheme>, we can add any other DOM element and then <Skeleton> will be used to show the loading effect.

  • Count tells us how many lines the skeleton would show.


Now, let's check the output −

Example 2

Now let's make a colorful skeleton. Add the following lines in App.js

import Skeleton, { SkeletonTheme } from "react-loading-skeleton";
export default function App() {
   return (
      <SkeletonTheme color="#202020" highlightColor="#444">
         <p style={{ width: 500, marginLeft: 100 }}>
            <Skeleton count={30} />

This code will create a colorful skeleton loader. Here we simply used a color in the color argument. It is same as before but the only difference is the color.

Now the skeleton will be different in color.


Now, let's check the output −

Updated on: 29-Sep-2021


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