C Program to construct a DFA which accepts L = {aN | N ≥ 1}

Let us take a string S of size N, we have to design a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) for accepting the language L = {aN | N ≥ 1}.

The string accepting the language L is {a, aa, aaa, aaaaaaa…, }.

Now the user has to enter a string, if that string is present in the given language, then print “entered string is Accepted”. Otherwise, print “entered string is not Accepted”.

DFA transition diagram for the given language is


Following is the C program to construct DFA which accepts the language L = {aN | N ≥ 1} 

int main() {
   char S[30];
   int l,i;
   int count = 0;
   printf("To implement DFA of language {aN | N ≥ 1} 
enter input string:");    scanf("%s",S);    l=strlen(S);    for (i=0;i<l;i++) {       if(S[i]!='a') {          printf("entered string is NOT ACCEPTED");          getch();          exit(0);       }       if (S[i] == 'a')          count++;       else          printf("invalid input");    }    if (count == l && count != 0) {       printf("entered string is accepted");    }    return 0; }


You will get the following output −

Run 1:
To implement DFA of language {aN | N >= 1}
enter input string:aaaa
entered string is accepted
Run 2:
To implement DFA of language {aN | N >= 1}
enter input string:badsaa
entered string is NOT ACCEPTED

Updated on: 14-Jun-2021


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