Ath Tripathi has Published 78 Articles

How to add Social Share buttons in Django?

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:23:46

2K+ Views

We get to see Social Share buttons on most of the websites. They play an important role in ecommerce or any blogging or affiliate sites. As a web developer, you surely want people to like your website and want them to tell about your site to others on social media.In ... Read More

Smooth profiling in Django

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:22:21


In this article, we are going to make a Django profiling. It will show a great deal of information like the total number of GET requests, database queries and many other reports for your website on a URL endpoint. It is great in production because you need to keep a ... Read More

Django – Showing model data directly into table with sorting and pagination

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:20:45

2K+ Views

In this article, we will see how to make a table in Django which will render model data. We are not going to use the tag of html. We will use a simple Django table library which provides features to directly show Django model data in a table with ... Read More

QR code generating website in Django

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:16:49

2K+ Views

We sometimes need to generate the QR code of an URL in our website. QR codes are scanned for verification, website login, opening websites and many things like that. In this article, we will see how to implement that. We are going to create a qrgenerator website in Django.ExampleCreate a ... Read More

Model object's history tracking in Django

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:10:44

3K+ Views

Model history tracking is a feature which tracks the changes in model object, it tracks things like what change you made in it and when you deleted it. It also helps in the recovery of deleted object of model. In this article, we will take an example to see how ... Read More

How to add a text editor field in Django?

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 13:04:16

1K+ Views

Many online exam taking websites use text editors for text entries. image uploading, etc. Quill text editor is very popular and it also provides a model field to directly store in database. So, you don't need to configure anything extra to save its data in database.In this article, we will ... Read More

Making your own custom filter tags in Django

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 12:54:22


Filters are really very helpful, there are many built-in filters in Django. We can also make our own filters in Django which we can use in Django projects in any template file. Filters are used in many ways like making lowercase to uppercase in HTML.In this article, we will see ... Read More

Django – Making a Django website more human-like using Humanizer

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 12:47:47


In this article, we will see what is humanizer and how to use it in Django. Humanizer is a filter in Django that is used to add human touch to a project. It is one of the best filters of Django.Humanizer is used to convert numbers from numerical figures to ... Read More

Adding a DeleteView in Django

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 12:45:40

2K+ Views

DeleteView is a view in Django which is used to delete any model data from the frontend. It is a built-in view that can be easily applied. It acts like admin page in deleting the view. It is really helpful in real-world projects.First of all, create a Django project and ... Read More

How to make a Country field in Django?

Ath Tripathi

Ath Tripathi

Updated on 26-Aug-2021 12:34:19

3K+ Views

If you need to add a location field in your form or database, you can do that using charfield but it is still not that good idea. In Django, we have a third-party package called 'django-countries' that provides the country field. In this article, let's see how to use django-countries ... Read More
