Found 16 Articles for Space Science

What is a robonaut? Can it replace astronauts in the future?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Robonaut is a NASA robot, which is designed as a humanoid. The artificial intelligence makes it easier for Robonaut to do the same jobs as a human. Robonaut could help with anything from working on the International Space Station to exploring other worlds. The core idea behind the Robonaut series is to have a humanoid machine work alongside astronauts. Its form factor and dexterity are designed such that Robonaut can use space tools and work in similar environments suited to astronauts.These new space explorers won’t need space suits or oxygen to survive outside of the spacecraft. Thus they might help ... Read More

What are some interesting facts about space?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 09:56:52


Space is an empty void. It is not totally vacant, but rather comprises of a vacuum containing a very low thickness of particles, overwhelmingly a plasma of hydrogen and helium. It also consists of neutrinos, cosmic and electromagnetic rays. One hydrogen per cubic meter is the density of space.There is nothing in between galaxies and the temperature literally reaches 2.7 K, which is −270.45 °C. In the galaxies, 90% of the mass is in an unknown form, called dark matter. It interacts with other matter through the gravitational but not electromagnetic force.Manned spaceflight is limited to the lower Earth orbit ... Read More

What is a nebula and how is it formed?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:36:01


A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust made of hydrogen, helium and other ionized gasses. Initially, it was a name given for any diffuse cosmic object, including galaxies past the Milky Way.Most nebulae are of the tremendous size, even a great many light years in diameter. The nebula that is scarcely noticeable to the human eye from Earth would seem bigger, yet not brighter, when near it. The Orion Nebula, the brightest cloud in the sky that involves an area double the diameter of the full Moon, can be seen with the exposed eye yet was missed by early ... Read More

How did Nasa's Space technology shine at Oscars 2018?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 11:43:09


This weekend’s Academy Awards celebrated on 4th March 2018, have experienced something amazing which was only possible for NASA. Yes, you read it right. The Oscar trophies which are handed to the best in their field people (the Movie Industry) are coated in Gold which is used in telescopes that can get you a glimpse of far-away galaxies.Gold is a good reflector of Infrared wavelengths of light, with the help of which, celestial objects from far away can be detected. The best part about gold coating is that it won’t oxidize (tarnish), Goddard space flight centre physicist Jim Tuttle said. ... Read More

Does black hole really exist in the universe?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 09-May-2022 06:10:38


Yes. Black holes do exist in the Universe. Recently NASA scientists using their instruments have painted the pictures of these strange and fascinating objects in space. These black holes are formed because a big star collapses into itself creating a very high gravity due to massive mass squeezed into a tiny space.Imagine a star of mass ten times more than of Sun squeezed into a sphere of the size of the moon. The gravity will be very strong because of dense matter in tiny space. This usually happens when the star is dying. The resultant gravitational pull will be so ... Read More

Who is responsible for creating rumor that world would end in 2012?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 11:51:23


Well, rather than being a rumor, the idea of the end of the world in 2012 was largely based on some prophecies done by many well-known predictors. Therefore, no individual is solely responsible for the spread of this theory. However, being widely spread, these predictions were considered true by the people around the globe without verifying the fact behind it.Nostradamus Predicted the DoomsdayMany religions, prophecies, and calendars pointed to Dec. 21, 2012 as the doomsday including even the well-known futurist and the French physician, Nostradamus, whose prophecies were published long ago in 1555 by the name Les Propheties. This book ... Read More
