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Coincident Lines

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:07:58


Introduction Coincident lines are the lines that are on top of each other. The term "coincide" refers to something happening at the same time. In mathematics, coincident lines are lines that lie on top of each other so that when we look at them, they appear to be a single line rather than double or multiple lines. Parallel lines are lines that are parallel to each other and have a predetermined distance between them. Perpendicular lines, on the other hand, are lines that intersect at a 90- degree angle. However, parallel and perpendicular lines do not coincide. In this tutorial, ... Read More

Box and Whisker Plot

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:23:59


Introduction Box and whisker plots can be used to display and analyze data . More detailed details in various distributions or datasets are sometimes required, which measures of any central tendency such as mean, median, and mode may not meet. The variability or dispersion of data necessitates a much more concrete foundation. A box and whiskers plot can meet this demand. A box and whisker plot is a method of abstracting a set of data that is estimated using an interval scale. It is also known as a box plot. These are mostly used to interpret data. It is a ... Read More

Binary Division

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:30:55


Introduction The binary division is a method to divide one binary number from another binary number. Binary numbers can undergo the four major arithmetic operations addition, division, subtraction, and multiplication-like numbers. The binary division is similar to the division of decimal numbers, while in the case of decimal numbers, there were 0-9, 10 digits. Here, in the case of binary numbers, there are only two digits 0 and 1.The long division method is one of the significant methods used in binary division. Definition Binary Numbers: The word ‘bi’ means two so, it is a number system that is used ... Read More

Billion in Rupees

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 16:12:50


Introduction One billion can be written as 1 , 000 , 000 , 000 . In mathematics, place value can be used to define numbers. There are two different ways to represent the place value of the digits in the numbers. The positional values of the number are determined using place value charts. Positions allow for the expansion of the numbers in the general form. In this tutorial, we will learn about billions in rupees, the number system, and the conversion of the number system. Number Systems Number systems are mathematical expressions of numbers in various ways that computers ... Read More

Data Handling and Data Representation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Apr-2024 11:23:41


Introduction Data handling and data representation are the processes of collecting and presentation of data systematically. Data handling is the act of collecting a set of data and presenting it in various formats data handling. The act of collecting, maintaining, and presenting data in a way that facilitates analysis, forecasting, and decision-making is known as data handling. Here in this tutorial, we shall discuss in brief data handling, central tendencies, frequency tables, how to represent data in graphs, and examples related to data handling. What is Data Handling? The initial collection of observations is referred to as the raw data. ... Read More

Diagonal Matrices

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:35:03


Introduction A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zero. Matrices are used in practical life events like military parades, school parades, and planting. The concept of matrix and determinant is recorded as having appeared in the fourth century B.C, although its use is thought to have begun only in the second century BC. Then, towards the end of the seventeenth century, the concept of matrix and determinants came back into use. Mathematical models of everyday world problems are formed as sets of linear equations. Matrices are essential and inevitable to solve ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:37:14


Introduction A cuboid is a solid shape or a three-dimensional shape in geometry. A cuboid is an 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 rectangular faces convex polyhedron. A cuboid is also known as a rectangular prism. An example of a cuboid in the real world is a rectangular box. What is cuboid? Imagine a shape that results from stacking numerous congruent rectangles on top of one another. The resultant shape is known as a cuboid. Dimensions of a Cuboid In order to describe the length, width (breadth), or height of an edge of a cuboid shape, it should be ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:39:29


Introduction A cone has a curved surface at the bottom; therefore, it contains two surface areas that are total surface area is the total surface area covered by the cone, whereas the curved surface the area consists of the surface area covered by the curved surface, which is the surface area other than the bottom circular flat surface. A cone has a vertex or an apex and a slant height. In this tutorial, we will discuss cones, slant height, curved surface area, total surface area, and a few solved examples. Cones Cones are three-dimensional figures with a circular surface at ... Read More

Branches of Mathematics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:47:12


Introduction Branches of mathematics are Algebra, geometry, arithmetic, number theory, etc. Over time, the scope of mathematics has expanded. There are two types of mathematics: pure mathematics and applied mathematics. The mathematics that can be used to solve real- world problems is known as applied mathematics. Mathematics has evolved over time into a vast and diverse subject. Mathematical advancements continue to make significant contributions. Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Calculus, and other branches of mathematics exist. In this tutorial, we will discuss branches of mathematics. Mathematics Maths is the science of quantity, pattern, order, structure, and relation, which has evolved over ... Read More

Bijective Function

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:49:33


Introduction A bijective function is a one-one and onto function. In this tutorial, we will learn about functions, and their properties, such as injectivity and surjectivity. We will also learn about bijective functions and the invertibility of a function. A function is defined as a mapping between two sets, the first set is called the domain, and the second set is called the co-domain if the elements of the domain have a unique image in the codomain. A function is said to be injective or one-one if all the elements of the domain are mapped to a unique element in ... Read More

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