Found 208 Articles for Marketing

Difference between Multi-Channel Marketing and Omnichannel Marketing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:28:13


The business world has become increasingly competitive in recent decades. Because of this, companies can't afford to treat marketing aggressively as a nice to have if they want to stay in business. Traditional marketing channels were formerly the sole means for firms to communicate with their clients, but with the rise of modern technology, more effective marketing channels have emerged, notably in the internet sphere. As a result, advertising for products can take place on websites like Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Twitter. Nonetheless, deliberate strategies for utilizing the web should be put into action. Some examples of oftenconfusing ... Read More

Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Inventory

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:13:00

2K+ Views

As a business grows, choices including stock ordering, transport, storage, and sales become more crucial. So, larger industrial storage facilities are in high demand since they facilitate the distribution of goods across a wider geographic area and thus increase the product variety available for purchase. A crucial choice in this age of fast development is whether to ship from a single hub or from a network of smaller warehouses spread across the country. There are advantages and disadvantages to both centralized and decentralized inventory systems; which one is best for a given company will depend on its structure, goals, and ... Read More

Difference between Brand and Trademark

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 05-Dec-2022 13:30:25

2K+ Views

Many choices must be made while establishing a new company, some of which are made before the start of commercial operations and others that are made thereafter. Brand name choosing is a crucial step in the process. Although many people use the phrases interchangeably, there are important distinctions between a brand and a trademark. What is a Brand? When a customer associates a brand's name with a product or service, they are more likely to have a positive opinion of that product or service. Brands are made up of many different parts including the company's or brand's personality, ... Read More

Wireframing – Overview, Benefits, and Tools

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 07:59:26


The world is moving towards technology by leaps and bounds. For us, everything is available on the internet. Today we will be delving deeper to understand the backend of the millions of websites that we have come across and will come across in the future. In this article, we will be discussing what wireframes are, what the various benefits of wireframing are, and what the different tools are through which one can do wireframing. Wireframing can be done with just pen and paper, but we are a tech-savvy generation, and we like our visual designs on a screen much better. ... Read More

What Is Elicitation and Top Requirement Elicitation Techniques?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 07:57:23


To elicit means to direct a response. The word "elicitation" comes from "elicit." Elicitation, in simple terms, means gathering information or provoking a response in certain situations. Now, why would one be interested in recording reactions or information? Elicitation refers to nonverbal gestures and verbal communication that aid in a better understanding of a situation. They provide a lot of information in the form of layers that helps in making better-informed decisions. For example, a comedian will crack jokes to make the audience laugh. If there is no laughter from the crowd, for him, that is a negative response. He ... Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Business Impact Analysis

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 07:53:53


In the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world that we live in, there are new shocks awaiting business every day. There are a lot of geographical, political, and trade conflicts happening. These conflicts disrupt operations, the supply chain, customer demands, and other crucial factors for running a business smoothly. These disrupt the normal workings of a business. As a result, a BIA is required. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and its Benefits BIA helps an organization understand what factors might disrupt the normal functioning of the organization or lead to delays in deliveries, payment cycles, raw material procurement, and others. ... Read More

Design Thinking - Onboarding, Implementation, and Roadblocks

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 07:52:29


Design thinking is a creative and innovative way to fight through the actual discomfort that a consumer faces while consuming the product. It includes the assumptions an organization might have regarding its consumers and their consumption. It is also known as a customer-centric, strategic, cognitive, and innovative approach. Benefits of Design Thinking in Today’s Era Instead of spending time and effort on research and development or market surveys, big companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others now prefer design thinking. It is being empathetic with the consumer throughout their purchasing, usage, and after-consumption stages. Design thinking helps in, Introducing ... Read More

What is Shrinkflation in Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:51:45


What is Shrinkflation? Shrinkflation is a term used in economics to describe when the amount or size of a product decreases, but the price stays the same or rises somewhat. The word may refer to a decrease in product or ingredient quality with no change in price. The word was coined in 2009 by British economist Pippa Malmgren. This trend is now widespread in the food and drink business. Shrinkflation can be thought of as a type of "hidden inflation." Instead of increasing the price, which would be obvious to consumers, manufacturers shrink the size of the product while keeping ... Read More

What is Q-Commerce and its Future in Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:47:10


What is Q-Commerce? In today’s time, people want most things to be lightning fast: be it their internet speed, their coffee at the favourite café, groceries and more. Q−Commerce, or "quick commerce, " is the newest entrant into this fast−paced market, promising to satisfy customers’ demands in 30 minutes or less. The global Q−Commerce market was estimated at $25 Billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $72 Billion by 2025. The Covid−19 epidemic has played a significant role in this, since it has not only accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises by decades but also transformed customer behaviour, a ... Read More

What is Influencer Marketing for Healthcare?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:35:27


What is Influencer Marketing? Before understanding influencer marketing for healthcare, we need to understand what influencer marketing is. In layman’s terms, influencer marketing is promoting something through people with the ability to shape the perception of a brand. These people are called influencers. Over the years, there has been a monumental change in the ways in which people consume media. With this, there has been a change in the ways in which brands use and choose communication channels to reach their audiences. This has resulted in using influencers and celebrities in healthcare communications campaigns as well. A recent trend, healthcare ... Read More
