What is Influencer Marketing for Healthcare?

What is Influencer Marketing?

Before understanding influencer marketing for healthcare, we need to understand what influencer marketing is. In layman’s terms, influencer marketing is promoting something through people with the ability to shape the perception of a brand. These people are called influencers.

Over the years, there has been a monumental change in the ways in which people consume media. With this, there has been a change in the ways in which brands use and choose communication channels to reach their audiences. This has resulted in using influencers and celebrities in healthcare communications campaigns as well.

A recent trend, healthcare brands are seeking to engage celebrities and influencers to help convey their messages. A strategic partnership implemented tactically can raise important awareness and improve health outcomes.

What are the Benefits of Using Influencers in Healthcare?

Brands often tap into the audience of celebrities who have remarkable online presence and followings on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok (country bans notwithstanding). As most healthcare brands compete fiercely, engaging with the followers of celebrities and influencers is a useful tactic to cut through that competition and engage more directly with consumers.

This is powerful and effective because traditional media consumption declines, whereas consumers trust influencers and celebrities and are curious about their lives, which includes the products they use and the brands they support. Brands who partner with the right influencers and use sensible messaging that audiences appreciate, can find that the trust associated with the influencer translates to a higher regard and trust for the brand partners that support them.

Who is a Medical Influencer?

In broad terms, a social media influencer is someone who has an established credibility in a specific area, has access to a large audience and the ability to influence others.

This definition also includes the pre−existing celebrities who use their fame to influence other users on social media. Some medical practitioners who actively use social media are experienced health professionals and some are new in the profession. However, it's important for all influencers to be clear about their credentials when posting anything related to health and well−being online.

Different medics use social media for different reasons. It may be to educate or encourage others into the profession. It may be to explore issues related to being a medical professional, such as one's own mental health. There are many healthcare influencers who share latest information on medical breakthroughs, wellness trends, and more. They have made their mark in the healthcare industry through research, advocacy, or teaching, but all share one common goal− to improve health outcomes across the globe.

There is always a scope for medical influencers to monetise their social media presence, and some will be sponsored for content.

How to Become a Healthcare Influencer?

Determine Your Niche

Health and wellness are generic terms, but there are numerous specific niches within the industry that can help one become an influencer, depending on what a person is interested in. One can decide to be a fitness influencer, or someone who promotes healthy eating, or a yoga instructor and promoter of holistic living. Idea for a niche can come through their own experiences or even from what they have an interest in and want to research about.

Develop an Audience Base

After one has found the niche, the next step is to reach out to a target audience. One will never become a top influencer if they do not develop an audience base. The first step would be to give a personalised experience to the followers by responding to their messages and replying to their comments. Generic responses must be avoided.

Look Like an Expert

An influencer will never know everything there is to know about their niche, but they can become someone that people trust. The audience will not be convinced unless influencers are not presenting the latest news and the latest facts that are available.

Another way to build the reputation would be by answering questions from the audience publicly to give the impression that they know what they’re talking about.

Get Sponsors

Sponsorships are effective as well as lucrative ways to make an influencer stand out in the crowd. One needs all relevant documents in place that would provide these sponsors information about the influencer and about the audience statistics. The idea is to project whether the influencers is worth sponsoring with their brand.

Go All Out

The final tip is to rise above the rest and become a successful health and wellness influencer by giving everything that they have got. Doing more and presenting more than what was thought of can help an influencer gain a larger following. It will also convince businesses to sponsor the influencer or to partner with them when they have the statistics to back up the claims for success.

Factors That Make Healthcare a Great Fit for Influencer Marketing

There is massive potential for the healthcare and pharmaceutical brands as well as fashion, beauty, and fitness.

  • Audiences are already connecting with healthcare influencers since the internet has changed patients’ methods of managing their health.

    For example, a quick text and email exchange with a doctor’s staff provides the opportunity to obtain information about lingering symptoms, treatments, product lines, as well as other facts about the healthcare facilities. These research stages of patients are great opportunities for marketing in healthcare.

  • For healthcare brands, social media presence can enhance brand awareness and the image of the brand in general.

  • In fact, 40% of people said information found on social media affects how they coped with a chronic condition, their view of diet and exercise, and their selection of a physician.

    Influencers’ voices matter in the minds of consumers, and influencers’ authentic experiences shared on social media resonate with their followers. Taking their engagement with influencers further, 39% of consumers even act on (purchase, research, spread the word, or consider) influencer posts about health and wellness.

  • In addition to using influencer marketing in healthcare to promote specific products, organizations can leverage healthcare influencers to promote their organizations, including hospitals.

    People turn to healthcare and medical influencers to evaluate the quality of a hospital. Research has found that 57 percent of people consider a hospital’s social media presence when deciding where to go for service. Further, consumers associate a hospital’s social media presence with cutting−edge technologies.


To conclude, the web has modified the methods by which individuals manage their health. A wealth of data and reviews regarding symptoms, providers, and treatment choices have authorized them to become equal partners within the method, and influencer marketing in healthcare very well helps them to do that.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2022


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