Found 56 Articles for Human Behavior

What are the ways to prevent child maltreatment?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Child maltreatment, abuse or neglect are serious concerns that can have long-lasting and dangerous effects on sufferers. The goal of preventing child maltreatment is obvious—to shout out for those who cannot and to stop this misbehavior from happening in the first place. Stress-free, stable, firm, and polite nurturing relationships and clean environment for all families and children can help prevent abuse and maltreatment, and help all children attain their goals and reach their full potential.Here are some incredible ways to prevent child maltreatment:Don't Hit Your ChildrenAbuse is not the one and only option. It is not just physical. Your bitter ... Read More

What are the 5 most common teenage problems? what are the solutions?

Vandana Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Teenage is not a simple time for kids or parents. The best way to cope with requirements and issues at this age is to be aware of them and be prepared to face them. Here is our list of the most usual issues and their solutions that teenagers have to cope up with.Physical Changes: Physical changes occur due to change in the teenager’s hormonal levels. The best way you can do to help out your teenager to get through the stage is to make them conscious of these changes. Describe that it is common for the body to change as ... Read More

Has intolerance really spread in India?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The dictionary meaning of Intolerance is “unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differs from one's own”.India, the so-called “Sone ki Chidiya” is now a land of controversies coming up every now and then even on a trivial matter. Many of them are spread just to get the limelight while the rest to actually show discontentment or public envy of some sort. Atrocities against minority and Dalit citizens have become frighteningly commonplace.The Responsibility of Our IconsAbout a year ago or so, Actor Aamir Khan was trolled for putting his opinion over "rising intolerance" in India, saying his wife Kiran ... Read More

Is truth and innocence related?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Truth and innocence are both abstract emotions which have a lot of roles to play in human life.Someday, I came across these quotes from eminent personalities.“Truth waits to be found. It searches for no one.”―Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem“All things truly wicked start from innocence.”―Ernest HemingwayI believe that truth and innocence belong to the same platform. They are nevertheless enduring, stimulating and enchanting. An innocent human (say, a child) may not always tell the truth. Sometimes, a child lies. But the reason the child lies at times, is due to the fact ... Read More

Why do people mostly wear black while mourning?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Black is a subdued and formal color. Wearing black clothes has been a long-accepted funeral tradition in the western countries, which dates back to the Roman empire in 753 BCE. It is intended to show respect for the deceased and there is a kind of togetherness in wearing the same color clothing during the mourning to console the family members.In many parts of India, people wear white clothes during the funeral.Yellow is the color of mourning in Egypt, Red in Ghana and many Catholic churches follow purple color.

What is right way to save the natural world?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Every person on the earth should feel the responsibility to save the Environment and the Ecosystem of the Earth. Everyone can contribute by taking small initiatives towards this mighty task.Use water wisely and do not waste. E.g., turn off the tap while brushing.Switch off all the electronics, when not in use.Carpooling, using public transport and alternate eco-friendly ways of transport like cycling and walking will reduce air pollution consistently.Say "NO" to plastic wherever possible. Use handbags made up of clothes for grocery or veggies shopping.Each one must try to plant a tree. If you do not have sufficient land, plant ... Read More

Why are people interested in rumors and gossips?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


"Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots"- Anonymous.Rumors are the manifestation of the brain in order to get some interest in the lives of others.Gossip is basically lies and more lies. It cannot hold any significance. It is the result of being idle and lack of activity. It leads to nothing but misunderstandings, confusions and ill-placed relationships.Reasons Why People Love them So Much?The fundamental reason is ENVY. It is said that “envy takes no holidays”. A person may be at a much higher position than us, which is not liked by us. In this case, ... Read More

Does our past influence our dreams?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Dreams may be sorrowful or may be pleasant. One should learn to live happily no matter how and what situation one may be in. No one would like to see a bad dream. We do fear nightmares and melancholic dreams, but there a few people who find a ray of hope even when surrounded by the darkest clouds ever.See Life BeyondIt is sad, people lose hope and cry badly. They don’t think spiritually. Life is much beyond this materialistic way and manners. One should learn to be inspired by the metaphysical world rather than only physical love. Not every silver ... Read More

Are dreams a reflection of what we want to become?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


"We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret." - Earl NightingaleDreaming is not bad. In fact, visualization has the strength to let one achieve one’s aim. It is said that if one gets dreams of a rich man meaning that the dreamer wishes to become rich. Similarly, if a person gets dreams of marriage, probably he is waiting since long to get married.Dreams Mirror Our InnerselfWant ChangeIt is quite interesting that a person always wants to become someone else. He may want to become happy if he is sad, wants to become single ... Read More

Has technology made us stay isolated?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It may be also called as the "advances in computer science.” This technology has actually tamed us. It was thought as a matrix allowing us to connect to the world. But, it has made us the lone ranger.Let Us Look at Some General Terms and FactsNomophobia: The feeling of not having cell phones with you, but still one feels that he carries a phone and this is called Nomophobia. Now, it happens with all of us! We feel that we own a phone every now and then.The ... Read More
