Found 20 Articles for Arts & Crafts

The Intersection of AI and Creativity: From Art to Music

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:02:39


The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and creativity has sparked a transformative revolution, reshaping the artwork and music industries and pushing the boundaries of creative expression. In this article, we will discover the profound effect of AI on the artwork and music industries, analyzing how it is remodeling the innovative panorama. From producing original artworks to composing harmonies, AI is redefining the function of technology within the creative procedure. We may also discuss the moral issues that arise and envision this interesting collaboration's destiny. AI in Art: Expanding Horizons of Creativity Throughout records, artwork has been pushed by means of ... Read More

Who is Kumar Vishwas? Why he is so much known as poet?

Ishita K
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Dr. Vishwas Kumar Sharma, popularly known as Kumar Vishwas is not a regular celebrity but has a quite an interesting story. Born in Gaur Brahmin family in Ghaziabad, he left his engineering to pursue masters and Ph.D. in Hindi literature and went on to become a poet.Let us see why and how did he leave Engineering in the middle in his own words --"It was a tough decision to quit engineering. But, I was not made for machines. So, if I would have continued with engineering, I would have become a below average technocrat. When asked what would I achieve ... Read More

What is a sonnet in English literature?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A small lyric poem of fourteen lines is a sonnet. There are two types of Sonnets: the Italian (Petrarchan) and the English (Shakespearean).In the Italian form, There are two intrinsic divisions: the first part consists of 8 lines and the second part is of 6 lines, in all making 14 lines.Shakespearian SonnetsBut the same does not happen in Shakesperian sonnets. William Shakespeare, the ‘Bard of Avon’, is noted to have mastered at least 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses. His popularity can be estimated by the following “He was naturally learned; he needed ... Read More

In the famous Monalisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, why does the subject not have any eyebrows?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The famous painting of Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most loved paintings on earth till today. This artistic wonder has been inspirational for all the artists for more than five centuries.Who’s this Lisa?The subject of this painting, Mona Lisa meaning, “My Lady Lisa” was actually Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Del Giocondo who was a wealthy merchant, commissioned the work of her painting. The great painter Leonardo da Vinci painted this, which bears the title La Gioconda. The painting displays an enigmatic smile for which there is a huge fan base all over ... Read More

What are the differences between holography and photography?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Holography is a newer photographic technique. In conventional photography, a camera focuses the light reflected from an illuminated three-dimensional object and negative is made initially. Using the negative, a positive print is developed later. This positive print is the only two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional object.Founder of HolographyBased on this, Dennis Gabor developed a novel photographic technique using interferometry. This technique is known as Holography, Holo means complete and Graphy means writing.Holography Vs PhotographyPattern Difference: Hologram produced by Holography is a positive pattern while conventional photography, a negative pattern is produced on the film.The Difference In Dimensions: Photography is the ... Read More

What is The Prelude all about?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Prelude is a long poem by William Wordsworth compiled into fourteen books. All these books trace his spiritual growth with the subtitle of the poem itself as its the theme, which is the growth of the poet's mind.Justification of the TitleThe title stands justified as Wordsworth describes how Nature began its mysterious work in his conscious and subconscious mind. He is convinced that there are hidden forces in Nature impacting him inadvertently right from the time he was a young boy and he thus, recounts a few incidents and comments upon their significance in shaping up his mind. The ... Read More

Can it be said that the novel Oliver Twist is the fittest example of Victorian fiction?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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The novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens evokes the images of early Victorian England. It is notable for its portrayal of criminals and their sordid lives. Not only criminals but the cruel treatment of orphans in the mid-nineteenth century London was also being talked about. The story of Oliver Twist is a dark tale generated by vice, degradation, and terror.Portraying Various Aspects of SocietyDickens satirizes the hypocrisies of his times in it viz. child labor, the recruitment of children for crime, the depiction of working class of the poor, the working class of England, the presence of street children, the ... Read More

What were the literary qualities of Samuel Taylor Coleridge?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a popular name among all Romantic poets who were influenced by the French Revolution. He was a leader of the British Romantic movement and was born on October 21, 1772, in Devonshire, England.Literary Qualities of Samuel Taylor Coleridge1. Treatment of the supernatural: He treats the supernatural in such a manner that it becomes convincing and at the same time, in some sense, a criticism of life.2. Suspension of Disbelief: The way in which Coleridge has achieved the willing suspension of disbelief has been even explained beautifully in the book The Romantic Imagination by Bowra.3. Realism: He ... Read More

What is a pastoral comedy?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Sixteenth Century Literary Critic Julius Caeser Scalinger defines comedy as “ Comedy is a dramatic poem, filled with intrigue, full of action, happy in its outcome, and written in a popular style.” Now when we know comedy, let us know what is Pastoral Comedy. Any such piece of writing or play performed which has happy marriages in a forest, courts, sheeps, shepherds would come into the pastoral genre and if it is inducing laughter, it is a pastoral comedy. The term pastoral refers to the life of the shepherds or rural folk and their ways of living, manners, and customs ... Read More

What is a satire?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Satire is a genre of English Literature which is very much confused with irony. It has the target is on the audience in a very indirect manner.Examples of Satire from English Literature:George Orwell's Animal FarmMark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry FinnAbsolem and Achitophel by John DrydenThe Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose BierceRestoration Age as the Age of SatireRestoration age was the age of satire with John Dryden, Jonathan Swift as the major political satirists. They pointed out the follies of the then Monarch and that too through their writings. One must not forget “Absalom and Achitophel “ as the gallery of portraits ... Read More
