How to get stat of a file using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 12:29:48


We have to realize that in the world of Python programming, obtaining file statistics plays a critical role in processing and manipulating files effectively. It does not matter if you are a novice or an experienced coder; this article will surely guide you through the process of retrieving file stats using Python. By taking a deep dive into the intricacies of file handling and unleashing the potential of Python's built-in functions, we will empower you with the knowledge to effortlessly access valuable statistical data about your files. Understanding File Stats Before we begin exploring the code examples, let us make ... Read More

How to Delete Multiple Empty Columns Quickly in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 12:27:48


Microsoft Excel is a strong data management and analysis programme with a plethora of capabilities. It's fairly uncommon to stumble across empty columns while working with huge spreadsheets, which clutter your data and make it tough to explore and work properly. Delete each empty column manually can be time−consuming and tiresome, especially when dealing with several columns. Fortunately, Excel includes a variety of strategies for quickly deleting many empty columns, saving you considerable time and effort. We will walk you through the process of discovering and eliminating many empty columns in Excel in this article. Deleting Multiple Empty Columns ... Read More

How to get a file system information using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 12:23:56


Filesystem information, in Python, is defined as the attributes and metadata linked with a file or directory, such as its name, size, timestamps, permissions, ownership, and type. There are various modules in Python like os and os.path to work with the file system and fetch this information. Obtaining access to filesystem information allows developers to work with files and directories, carry out operations like creation and deletion, and take informed decisions within their code. To fetch file system information using Python, you can utilize the os module; it provides several functions for interacting with the operating system. In particular, the ... Read More

How to Delete Infinite Blank Rows in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 12:08:20


You know how aggravating it may be when your Excel worksheet appears to contain an infinite number of empty rows. These blank rows not only make it difficult to explore your data, but they also use extra memory and computing resources. Fortunately, you can quickly eliminate those unending blank rows and optimise the efficiency of your Excel file by following a few simple steps. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of identifying and eliminating these empty rows using Excel's built−in features. Whether you're a novice or an experienced user, this lesson will teach you how to ... Read More

Understanding actionPerformed and ActionListener

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:50:06


In the realm of Java programming, the actionPerformed method is a central aspect of handling event-driven programming concepts. It is part of the ActionListener interface and helps manage user interactions with GUI components. In this article, we will explore how to utilize the actionPerformed method from another Java class, enhancing the modularity and readability of your code. Understanding actionPerformed and ActionListener Before we proceed, let's delve into what action Performed and Action Listener are. The Action Listener interface is part of the java.awt.event package. It includes the action Performed method, which is triggered when an action event occurs, such as ... Read More

Printer Spooler Problem

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:47:01


An operating system component called a printer spooler controls all printing tasks issued to printers. It organizes the printing tasks and sends them to the printer in a queue. Unfortunately, printer spooler faults might occasionally happen and interfere with printing. One frequent problem is when the printer spooler fails or crashes, which precludes the addition of any new print jobs to the queue. The inability to remove a print job that is trapped in the queue, which prevents the processing of incoming print jobs, is another issue. Users can attempt restarting the spooler service or manually removing the stopped print ... Read More

Prepaging In Operating Systems

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:46:08


Operating systems are pieces of software that control computer hardware and software resources and offer standard functions to applications. They serve as a bridge between computer hardware and application software, and they also aid in coordinating and managing the operations of numerous hardware components. Operating systems employ the method of prepaging to enhance memory management. Preparing for future usage entails loading software pages into memory in advance of their actual use. This may assist to decrease the amount of time needed to wait for data to be retrieved from secondary storage, boosting system performance as a whole. Prepaging is frequently ... Read More

Preemptive Priority CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:43:30

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Having the upper hand in computer operating systems, the CPU scheduling algorithm is a widely used method for scheduling processes. It is intended to make sure that the most important processes have priority access to the CPU so that system responsiveness and efficiency are maximized. Each process in preemptive priority scheduling is given a priority value, which is often established by the nature and significance of the current job. When a higher-priority process becomes available, the one that is presently executing is preempted and the higher-priority process is executed in its place. The highest priority process is granted access to ... Read More

Priority Assignment to Tasks in Operating System

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:40:42


The practice of giving each task or process in an operating system a priority level is known as a priority assignment. A priority level is a number that represents the relative urgency or significance of an activity or process in comparison to other tasks. When there are numerous tasks that are ready to run, the operating system utilizes the priority level to decide which job should be done next. Priority-level tasks are carried out before those with lower priority levels. This guarantees that the system runs effectively and that the most important activities are finished first. The assignment of priorities ... Read More

Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP) in Synchronization

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:39:03


On a single CPU, many processes may operate simultaneously under an operating system that supports multitasking. Synchronization strategies are used to organize access to shared resources. Priority inversion, on the other hand, happens when a high-priority activity is obstructed by a lower-priority process that is holding a shared resource, and it can be caused via synchronization. The Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), a synchronization method used to resolve the priority inversion problem, will be explained in this article. The priority inversion problem is solved using the Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), a synchronization method. PIP gives the task in possession of a ... Read More
