6 Ways you're ruining your Testosterone

Male animals' reproduction ability is primarily regulated by the sex hormone testosterone. One of the androgens—also known as anabolic steroids—is a class of chemicals that includes Testosterone. The growth of male sex organs, including larger testicles and penises, depends on Testosterone in guys. Along with voice deepening and pubic, chest, and armpit hair growth, the hormone also encourages the development of sexually specific masculine traits during puberty.

To sustain sperm production, muscle mass, bone density, and sexual desire, Testosterone is crucial. In addition to supporting general well-being and energy levels, Testosterone is vital for keeping women's lean muscle mass and bone density. A woman's sexual desire is greatly influenced by this hormone, making sexual activity more pleasurable.

The word "testosterone" refers to the hormone testosterone, primarily secreted from the testicles in males. Additionally, the adrenal gland produces a tiny amount of hormones. The brain's hypothalamus and pituitary gland regulate this hormone's synthesis. The hypothalamus guides the pituitary gland on how much Testosterone should be produced, and the pituitary gland then communicates this information to the testicles through chemicals and hormones that circulate in the blood. The adrenal glands and ovaries generate half of the Testosterone in females. The remaining amount is created by the body's other organs converting pituitary androgens.

Male testosterone levels reach their highest during adolescence and the first few years of maturity and begin to fall after that. As a man ages, this may cause a gradual decrease in his physical stamina and libido. After a man turns 30, it's believed that his testosterone level starts to decline by about 1% per year.

Low levels of Testosterone are generated in men with hypogonadism because of an issue with the testicles or pituitary gland. It's debatable what precisely falls under the category of low Testosterone. This hormone's levels are highly unpredictable and even change throughout the day. However, doctors typically choose to treat a patient for hypogonadism if the patient exhibits the signs listed below and their blood testosterone level is below 300 ng/dL.

  • Decreased desire.

  • Diminished sperm quantity

  • A hot shock

  • Growing breast girth

  • Inability to erect a sexual desire.

  • Reduced testes.

  • Diminished muscle density

  • Hair fall

  • Heightened risk of bone fractures

Here are some methods you might be reducing your testosterone levels unknowingly −

Excess Weight − The waist measurement has a significantly more significant impact on testosterone levels than does age.

While we can't stop ourselves from becoming older, we can stop gaining weight. Being overweight might result in low levels of the male hormone testosterone. Men who have a BMI of 30 or above and who successfully lose weight via a combination of physical activity and dietary restriction see the greatest rise in testosterone levels. A significant rise in testosterone levels should be expected after a weight reduction of at least 15 percent of initial body mass.

Being Inactive − Another factor that might be causing your testosterone levels to drop is a lack of muscle exercise. According to the results of the research, a fitness program that consisted of 12 weeks of exercise and engaged 30 young men who led sedentary lifestyles resulted in greater testosterone levels. Exercise and weight loss may have a positive effect on a man's mental state, memory, fertility, heart and sexual health, testosterone levels, and bone density. It can also enhance bone health.

Utilizing Powerful Painkillers − Low Testosterone can result from long-term use of narcotic medications. A review article discovered a strong correlation between long-term narcotic painkiller use and hypogonadism, but it issued a warning that researchers are still unsure whether chronic pain management is associated with low Testosterone. How to cease taking these medications should be discussed with your doctor.

Using Anabolic Drugs − The testes' ability to produce Testosterone will be shut down if anabolic drugs are used for bodybuilding. Even if the medications are stopped, this might remain a permanent condition. Weight lifters who used anabolic-androgenic steroids had a higher risk of low Testosterone even after they stopped using the drugs, according to studies that contrasted them with weight lifters who did not use them. Please inform your doctor if you are using or have ever used steroids for weightlifting.

Taking Medication for Hair Thinning − When Testosterone isn't converted into other active metabolites, hair loss medications like Finasteride (Propecia) can lead to low libido and poor sexual performance. Due to finasteride's potential impact on the body's hormones, Testosterone, and others, some individuals who use it continue to experience lingering symptoms like depression and erectile dysfunction.

Inadequate Sleep − There is a connection between low Testosterone and obstructive sleep apnea, and sleep disruption does tend to reduce Testosterone. Reviewing the evidence highlights the complex relationship between obesity, sleep disturbance, and low Testosterone. It also looks at the advice that men use a CPAP machine in addition to weight loss to treat their sleep apnea. A regular sleep pattern is crucial. Get plenty of restful slumbers and attempt to maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle.

Testosterone replacement therapy, available as injections, patches, gels, or pellets, has been shown to assist with some symptoms of hypogonadism.

The prospect of testosterone replacement therapy may be alluring for some aging males. This medication may seem like the magic anti-aging treatment due to its effects, which include increased vigor, muscle strength, improved memory, sharpened focus, increased libido, and increased energy levels.

Men are urged to closely weigh the risks of using testosterone replacement therapy before deciding to use it because it is also linked to several risks. Below is a description of a few dangers related to this treatment.

  • Chest pain

  • Mild prostate hyperplasia stimulation

  • Growth of any prostate malignancy that already exists.

  • Other skin responses, such as acne

  • Slumber breathing

  • Increase in breast girth.

  • Decreased quantity of sperm

  • Reduced testicle size.

  • Thrombosis

However, it is unclear whether or not this therapy can benefit men whose testosterone levels are declining naturally with age. Few extensive studies have looked at how this therapy affects males with healthy levels of Testosterone, and the few smaller studies that have been done have produced contradictory findings.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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