HTML - <iframe> Tag

HTML <iframe> tag is used to create an inline frame. An inline frame is used to show another html document into the cuurent html document. We can use HTML attributues and CSS property to decorate the iframe as we need.


<iframe src="">
</iframe >


HTML iframe tag accepts all HTML Global Attributes and Event Attributes.

Specific Attributes

HTML <iframe> tag accepts the following additional attributes as well.

Attribute Value Description
align left
Specifies how to align the iframe according to the surrounding text.
frameborder 1
Specifies whether or not to display border around the frame.
height pixels Specifies the height of the inline frame.
longdesc URL A URL to a long description of the frame contents.
marginheight pixels Allows you to specify the width of the space between the left and right of the frame's borders and the frame's content. The value is given in pixels. For example marginwidth = "10".
marginwidth pixels Specifies the margin, in pixels, between the frame's contents and it's left and right margins.
name text Name of the frame
sandbox html-5 ""
Enables a set of extra restrictions for the content in the iframe.
scrolling yes
Determines scrollbar action
seamless html-5 seamless Specifies that the iframe should look like it is a part of the containing document
src URL Location of the frame contents file
srcdochtml-5 HTML_code Specifies the HTML content of the page to show in the iframe
width pixels Specifies the width of the inline frame.

Try to click the icon run button run button to run the following HTML code to see the output.

Example of HTML iframe Tag

Creating a Simple iframe

In this example we will create an iframe and render our home screen within that iframe.

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML iframe Tag</title>

       <h2>HTML iframe tag Example</h2>
            src = "" 
            width = "600" height="400">


Removing border of Iframe

In this example we will remove the default border of the ifrma using CSS border property.

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML iframe Tag</title>

       <h2>HTML iframe tag Example</h2>
            src = "" 
            width = "600" height="400" style="border:none;">


Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
iframe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes