What is the Tkinter Variable Class First Argument used for?

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) make software user-friendly, and Tkinter, a Python toolkit, helps create them easily. Tkinter has a special Variable class that manages data in the GUI. In this article, we'll dig into the Tkinter Variable class and focus on why the first argument in its constructor is so important.

Tkinter and GUIs

Tkinter is a built-in Python library for creating GUIs. It uses widgets like buttons and labels to build interfaces. The Variable class in Tkinter is crucial for handling data in these interfaces. It comes in types like StringVar, IntVar, DoubleVar, and BooleanVar.

Getting to Know the Tkinter Variable Class

The Tkinter Variable class is like a base class for more specific types of variables. These specific types, like StringVar for text, IntVar for numbers, and so on, help manage different kinds of data. The Variable class acts as a common ground for all these types.

The Basics of Tkinter Variable Class

The constructor for the Tkinter Variable class usually needs two things −

variable = Variable(master, value)
  • master − This is the parent widget, the main part of the interface, to which the variable belongs. It's like saying, "This variable is linked to this part of the interface."

  • value − This is the initial value for the variable. It's optional, but it helps set the starting point for the data. The type of this value depends on the kind of variable, like a string for text or a number for an integer.

The Power of the First Argument

Understanding the first part, master, is key to seeing how Tkinter connects variables to the GUI. Let's break down why this is important.

Linking to the Parent Widget

The master argument creates a connection between the variable and the main part of the interface. This link means that any changes in the variable will show up in the interface and vice versa.


Let's see this in a simple example using StringVar −

from tkinter import *
# Initialize the Tkinter application
root = Tk()
root.title("Linking to Parent Widget")

# StringVar linked to the 'Entry' widget
str_var = StringVar(root, "Hello")

# Creating an Entry widget and connecting it to the StringVar
entry_widget = Entry(root, textvariable=str_var)



In this example, StringVar str_var is linked to the Entry widget, with an initial value set to "Hello." Changes made in the Entry widget are instantly reflected in the StringVar, and vice versa.

Making the GUI Update Dynamically

The link created by the master argument allows the GUI to update in real-time when the variable changes. This is super useful for making interfaces that respond instantly to what the user is doing.


Here's an example using IntVar and a Label −

from tkinter import *
# Initialize the Tkinter application
root = Tk()
root.title("Making the GUI Update Dynamically")

# IntVar linked to the 'Label' widget
int_var = IntVar(root, 0)

# Creating a Label widget and connecting it to the IntVar
label_widget = Label(root, textvariable=int_var)

# Function to update the IntVar
def update_var():
   int_var.set(int_var.get() + 1)

# Button to trigger the update
update_button = Button(root, text="Update", command=update_var)



In this case, the Label widget is connected to the IntVar. Clicking the "Update" button increases the IntVar, and the Label updates instantly.

Handling Multiple Parts of the Interface

The master argument is crucial when dealing with many parts of an interface. Each variable needs to be connected to a specific part, making sure the data is managed correctly.


Consider this example with two frames −

from tkinter import *

# Initialize the Tkinter application
root = Tk()
root.title("Handling Multiple Parts of the Interface")

# StringVar linked to Frame 1
str_var_frame1 = StringVar(root, "Frame 1")

frame1 = Frame(root)

# Entry widget connected to StringVar for Frame 1
entry_frame1 = Entry(frame1, textvariable=str_var_frame1)

# StringVar linked to Frame 2
str_var_frame2 = StringVar(root, "Frame 2")

frame2 = Frame(root)

# Entry widget connected to StringVar for Frame 2
entry_frame2 = Entry(frame2, textvariable=str_var_frame2)



In this example, two frames have their StringVar and Entry widget. The master argument ensures that the StringVars are connected to their correct frames.


To sum up, the first argument of the Tkinter Variable class, called master, is crucial for connecting the variable to the main part of the interface. This connection makes the GUI update dynamically, ensures proper handling of data, and helps in building interactive applications.

Understanding how the Tkinter Variable class and its first argument work empowers developers to create effective GUI applications in Python. Whether dealing with text, numbers, or booleans, the Variable class gives a flexible way to manage data in Tkinter GUI development.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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