What is the Java Community Process?

Have you ever thought of how the Java technologies are formalized and getting standardized? Would you like to know what the Java community process and how does it work, what is the process for its membership, etc. Welcome to this post you will get everything here.

It's important to understand the platform's key components before going into the Java Community Process (JCP). Java is a platform independent, object oriented and robust language. Currently it is one of the most popular HLL (High Level Language) among the community. Java is available in three editions: Java Micro Edition (Java ME), Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), and Java Standard Edition (Java SE).

Both Java Standard Edition and Java Enterprise Edition are used for various kinds of application development like web application development, mobile application development, application servers, big data technologies and many more. While Java Micro Edition is used for embedded applications.

Hope you got a brief idea about Java. Now you will get a brief about the JCP.

Let’s start.

Java Community Process

This Java Community Process in short is called JCP, which allows interested parties to submit suggestions for enhancements that are (hopefully) taken into consideration and then implemented. Here, the procedure is explained.

Sun Microsystems was the company that introduced JCP in December 1998. JCP came into existence just three years after Java did. JCP is still around and doing well. Is it possible to solely attribute JCP's success to the Java platform?

In this post, I would like to discuss two important aspects of Java, namely the JCP and the JSR. Java users have no excuse for not being aware of these issues. The public can participate in the development and upkeep of Java through Java community processes. The Java platform is one of Java's best features. It changes how Java works and lets us speak up to voice our dissatisfaction or request a feature we like.

Java Specification Request

The document that initiates a Java enhancement is the Java Specification Request. Platform Java A member of the JCP program is responsible for writing an JSR that identifies an opportunity to improve this platform and submitting it for revision. Before being published or deleted, the JSR is then resubmitted to a number of stages. From the initial creation of the JSR to its release, the phases are listed in the table below.

Jcp.org is the official website, and we can use it to register. We can gain better access to the website by registering, but this does not make us a JCP member. It is managed by a membership program for which we must separately sign up. The following options are available to us for registering as JCP members at the time of writing.

Process to get JCP Membership

  • A Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA), Associate Membership Agreement (AMA), or Partner Membership Agreement (PMA) must be signed by an organization or individual in order to officially participate in any stage of a JSR or process in the JCP.

  • Any person or organization that signs one of these agreements is given one of the three categories of JCP Membership that are available: Full member, partner member, or associate member, Members of each of these types are qualified to play various roles in the process. The JCP provides a comprehensive explanation of how members of various types—individuals, businesses, and nonprofits—acquire membership and how they can contribute.

  • Partner Members can serve on the Executive Committee, attend JCP Member events, and vote in the annual Executive Committee elections for two Associate seats. Full Members are eligible to lead these specifications, serve on the Executive Committee, contribute to JSRs, and vote in the yearly elections for the Executive Committee. Associate Members can contribute to JSRs' Expert Groups, attend JCP Member events, and vote in the annual Executive Committee elections for two Associate seats.

Role of executive committee in JCP

In the JCP program, the Executive Committee (EC) plays a significant role. All JSRs submitted to the program must be analysed, commented on, voted on, and approved by this group. The EC and the entire JCP program are not only in charge of directing the evolution of the platform as a whole, but they are also in charge of keeping the JCP program in line with what the community expects of it and its members.

Well, this was an overview about the JCP, how it works and the role of the JCP executive committee. If you wish to get more updates about such contents, stay connected with us and please share and like our post.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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